
Night 4 The Final Part Is Now Out! The Next Chapter Will Feature The Day And Night!


@FredDansu I'm just seeing this. One of the ways I like to deal with it is to read a lot, even if you don't feel like it. I'm currently in a software coding college, so I have to read a lot and type a lot of my own code, so that brings me to my other point. Just one day, just randomly start typing using your imagination, forgetting the rules you set for yourself, and just keep typing while using your mind to think at the same time.


I'm Back and as far as im aware my writers block is temporarily gone so expect my current book and a new one im currently working on to get back to being updated NO SCHEDULE PLANNED


@FredDansu weird. Mine doesn't do that but I might have not noticed it well either way you're not rereading it to boost it you're rereading to get your head around what your next chapter is gonna be about 


Only once a day tho


Every time i reread my book, it adds the number of chapters to the views, every time. 