
this message may be offensive
HAH! I posted the "coming back" message over a year ago, and then just went "fuck it".


I've already been doing it anyway, but I thought it would be good to come out and say, I'm taking an EHoT hiatus. There's a lot of stuff going on in school, and I'm doing it under a very unfair and heavy-weighting teacher, I've got enough responsibilities at the moment.


@NotCrazyCarson Take your time. I'll still be here. And have fun with your unfair teacher.


SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Chapter 2 of The Legend of Zelda: Era of The Hero of Time is now available to read. It is still in unedited draft, but there shouldn't be anything preventing you from understanding anything. I'm not THAT terrible, at least not when I have Microsoft word spell-check this time.


Something's been on my mind as far as where I'm planning to go with EHoT.
          As Dave Skylark said in the interview, "This is like, eating our vegetables. Once you eat those, then you get to eat the steak." In this case, I find the child portion to be the vegetables, and the adult part to be the steak.


ANNOUNCEMENT: I am near finished the first chapter of my very first story, "The Legend of Zelda: Era of The Hero of Time", which takes the story of Ocarina of Time, and adds my own free spin on it. I'm thinking that if It gets big enough, or needs to get bigger, or I just feel like it, I may adapt it into a comic or maybe even a cartoon, but I'm getting kind of ahead of myself. Excuse me if chapter 1 is not up to standards. I'm still a beginner. I'm going to try to get it up tomorrow.