Ello :) And welcome to my profile. (◕‿◕✿)

The name is Sue.

I'm 17.
Well of course I wouldn't join this site if I didn't read, nor write
I like Skittles.
Please excuse my momentary lose of sanity

I'll be straight forward, I'm not going to judge
Well..... Yea
I'm not a fan of chocolate?
Yea.... This awkward moment of silence of not knowing what to say happens often.
I'm direct.

Do not be surprised if I end up correcting what you write,
Because I can't help but correct you.
My dear apologizes.

So, I just feel like telling this out to everyone in the world so,

I have the habit of constantly smiling. I mean I SUCK at lying!
So yea, writing, it shows a different side.
Not like a devil to angel sort of thing.

So yea....

Maybe I should just shut up now right?
  • USA
  • DołączyłSeptember 18, 2012

Ostatnia Wiadomość
Skittlesaddict Skittlesaddict Sep 29, 2012 07:15PM
@laylax3  The picfont thing? you design ur thingie and press "dowload". its going to save it on your computer. But the thing is, its a long confusing  download name with a bunch of odd letters
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