Bruce Wayne is a reclusive billionaire, the current owner of Wayne Enterprises, and the heroic figure known as the Batman. After the ruthless murder of his parents, Wayne swore vengeance against all criminals, an oath tempered by a sense of justice for which he trained himself physically and intellectually, all to become Gotham City's guardian and protector, using a lethal combination of mental mastery, physical strength, and expert technology to fight crime at night.
At age ten, Bruce's parents were brutally gunned down by an unnamed killer while walking home from The Monarch Theater. That event that would drastically change Bruce's life forever.
Wayne graduated from boarding school at the top of his class. He then spent the next ten years attending multiple colleges around the world and constantly switching universities based on the field he was studying. He studied multiple different branches of science including biology, chemistry, and physics.
While traveling abroad, he also studied various different styles of martial arts from masters in multiple countries. From each teacher he learned many defenses and tactics, which turned Wayne into a truly dangerous fighter. At some point, Wayne also trained in some form of base jumping, which later gave him the knowledge to design a wingsuit.
Upon his return to Gotham after years of training, Bruce began to formulate a plan of how he would go about stop crime in the city.