
Oh my G.O.S.H 
          Last night me and my dad went walking, and i brought Emmet with meh XD


@Superhero_Taylor Aww!
            I only have Emmet and Lucy :/
            But when i go to school, Emmet's going to eat lunch with meh X3


That's exactly what I do!! Haha, I wear him as a necklace when I leave the house, or else he just sits on my bedside table with Bad Cop, Batman and 'Kitty :D


Nicole here!
          I am The Ghost From Your Past writer.
          I am 16 years old. Female. Going into grade 11. With one real leg and a fake one. Sad story. I am a lego movie lover.
          PS: just because I have a prosthetic leg, doesn't mean I am not a normal average teenager. Please don't treat me differently. 
          I am here to say: Thanks for the follow ;)


Hey Nicole :) I've heard of your story and I'm so sorry to hear about that. You didn't deserve to go through that :( I'm glad everything is okay now, and of course I won't judge you or treat you differently for it! And no problem about following :)