Yes, Indeed, it is I. What a strange universe Wattpad is. One may say that it is another dimension of reality unique only to itself. When one looks at the whole of creation, it's easy to compare it to the inner network of the brain with all its interconnecting neurons. The universe has so many gateways to different levels of reality and parallel universes. Just as nurons in a brain represent the pathway to different levels of the brain just as black holes represent passages to different dimensions or places in the universe. But creation is much more complex then that madam. It's not stacked like a chest of draws. All of space and time is happening simultaneously much like a radio. You might be tuned to one station, but that does not mean other stations have stopped broadcasting. They are all playing but the moment, the now, is always dependant on where our point of observation is. And yes, the universe is abundant with electricity. It's just another state of energy. It powers the sun which puts all scientific evidence into doubt that the sun is a giant fusion reactor. It's more of a light bulb powered by the electrical energy of the universe. Electricity is abundant in the brain too.
To see all of infinity, may I suggest a DMT stimulated rush to your brain. The pinal gland of your brain secretes it in short doses when you sleep which explains dreamstates. But a herbal brew of Brazilian Ayauscha should work wonders.