
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! Also, to Niall's mom, for giving birth to the most amazing boy ever, who I would have died without. Hope all the moms are having a great day! 
          	>><< To whoever is reading this I might change my Liam story. I'm going to change the name of the girl and maybe some other things too or just delete the story in all. Thanks for reading, bye! >><<


I still have feelings for you.the first time I ask you to be my girlfriend you said no and I respected your decision but I fell for you again. So I tried again but you said no to me and you thought I was playing around and that made me really depressed all summer long. I didn't know you asked Rodolfo out. I barely had the courage to give you the note that pathetically and your rejection messed me up.I don't know why I'm doing this now and on this but I just wanted you to know......


@iliketurtles4life I'm surprised your awake


@iliketurtles4life I didn't ask Rodolfo out, I think my friend did... And I'm sorry, it's just... The thing that happened with me and Ivan messed me up really bad.. I never told anyone, because everyone would just judge me and say to fcking get over him... I'm sorry for making you feel that way, I really am and I'm not giving you pity... Can we talk when we get back to school? I really want to talk to you in person about this...


Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! Also, to Niall's mom, for giving birth to the most amazing boy ever, who I would have died without. Hope all the moms are having a great day! 
          >><< To whoever is reading this I might change my Liam story. I'm going to change the name of the girl and maybe some other things too or just delete the story in all. Thanks for reading, bye! >><<


Thanks for adding my story The Model to ur list ☺☺☺


@dream85 Aww thank you **blushes** hehe I wish I could make you happier, but I have no idea how. I always like making peoples day better.


@NiallsSisterBruhh I know that if someone liked my story a lot, s/he add it to her/his list. So..ur adding my story to ur list means a lot babe, made me happy, that's why I thanked. U are so sweet btw ☺