
          Welcome to the wonderful world of wattpad !! 
          I'm me2you804 and I am a wattpad ambassador which means I get to come and greet newbies like yourself.  I hope you come to love the site as much as I do but to get you started I thought I would recommend the Newcomers club, the  link is below. 

          Here you can chat with other newcomers like yourself and get to know what is means to be a wattpadder. 
          I'lll leave you to explore the site but if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me or one of the other wattpad ambassadors at 


          Welcome to Wattpad! 
          I’m your friendly neighborhood Ambassador; I roam around helping where I can. Drop me a message if you need help with something, I would be happy to help you.
          Why don’t you come on in and introduce yourself at the Newcomers club? Let others in the community learn a bit more about your likes, dislikes, favorite authors, music, etc.
          So if you have a question or just want to say ‘Hi’ you can either tag me (Click on the ‘Reply’ below my message or by writing my username with a ‘@’ in front of it) or just stop by my profile. See you around!
          Have Fun Wattpadding!
          -Water, your friendly neighborhood Ambassador