Hi. /(*3*)/

The name is Vivien, but I hate my name with a passion, so a few years ago I gave birth to a stupid nickname (wat.) which everybody calls me with, Sachiko.


I'm italian! *No, no. I'm not like freakin' Super Mario.*

I have a dreadfull addiction to videogames and nerdy/fandom-y things. And YouTubers (eg. Cryaotic, Pewdiepie, CinnamonToastKen, Markiplier, you get da hint.) And unicorns, gotta love dem unibitchez.

Anything sugar-y sends me to the magical land of Ooo.

Whaaat else caaan I say. Oh. Yesofcourse! I'm married to Batman.

Ciao belli. *W*
  • Da internet~
  • JoinedJuly 21, 2013

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