Well hello there fellow human, my name is Alix and I help Jeremy and Michael run this account. In case you couldn't tell from the username they finally decided to realise how gay they are for each other. As for me here are five facts about me.
★Alix is my chosen name, if you know me by another name please don't call me by that name
★I am a gender fluid pansexual human being, so I will put an emoji next to my name at the top of my account indicating the pronouns that I'm using that day
If you do not respect my pronouns then I will block your account.
★I am a huge fangirl and have three other accounts
@xSUMMix and @hamilsquad_
Okay now to tell you about books I am a person that still attends school so have homework to deal with so if I do not update frequently then that is why.
Books on their way:
🔜my favourite person chapter will be out by 21st june
- IscrittoMarch 25, 2018
Iscriviti ed entra a fare parte della più grande comunità di narrativa al mondo
Storia di BoyfRiends💛
- 1 storia pubblicata
ask us
a book where you can ask Michael, Jeremy or Alix a question.Other BMC characters might be added soon