
@Icc5a Your Sweet too! So can we have a deal? CAN WE HAVE A 2 PEOPLE ACCOUNT here in wattpad? so I already made one! (@gel5cca) :) hahaha sorry! :( :) we can use it if we want, but of course! we'll write stories in our own, so THANKS alot!!!!!! :P (well hope your not irritated of my "kakulitan".) 


@Icc5a Well What Chapter? :) hahaha! It's FINE! Well Thanks also! I just Love your story NEVER THOUGHT so glad i found a person like you! and I wish your story came to true life! :) well BTW i really do not write stories here, but if i'll write, can you help me? Well definitely dedicate it to you! but...just like READING not WRITING! :)