"Ello love!" A small boy sat in a tree, holding a little star-shaped wand. He hopped from the tree and smiled, fixing his white tunic.'Who is this kid..?' (Y/N) thought, furrowing her/his brows. The boy held out his hand for you to shake,"Britannia Angel, or Arthur Kirkland, at your service." Deciding to play along,  (Y/N) shook his hand with mock seriousness,"(First name) (Surename), a pleasure to meet you." The boy, Arthur, frowned,"I have to go now, (Y/N). Flying Mint Bunny wants me to come back." He said glumly, hanging his head. Patting his head, you smiled,"See ya again?" Arthur nods furiously, before walking a few steps away. Two white wings sprang from his back and he placed a halo over his head of sandy-blonde hair. Taking a running start, the brit leaped, his sandals leaving the ground as he took off into the air. Giving a silly salute, the angel flew out of sight, leaving you staring , mouth hanging open. (First name) (Last name) had just met an angel, literally.
  • JoinedJanuary 9, 2014

Last Message
Britannia_Angel Britannia_Angel Jan 10, 2014 12:54PM
@Devil_America The brit scoffed, pulling at the banadges on his chest,"I am NOT hyper." He stated, glaring up at Alfred.
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