
Hi my book babes! How are you? I'm doing backflips right now because the 4th book in my bestselling YA series comes out on August 30th!  You can pre-order The Geneva Project - Destiny now and check out my other great books here. https://squareup.com/store/thegenevaprojectstore/


Hi! I would just like to know if you've actually published your book series. :) I'm actually working on a few books outside of Wattpad and I just wanted to know if it's easy to get a book published/to self publish a book.


@electrifiied Hi. Thanks for posting a message. Yes. I have published my YA series. The third book in The Geneva Project series is coming out in September. I chose to go the self-publishing route for my first book and really enjoyed it, so I've done the same for the rest. I really enjoy the freedom and creativity it allows me as an author. What type of books are you writing?


Hi All. I'm YA Indie Author Christina Benjamin.  I'm obsessed with books like Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Twilight, The Mortal Instruments,  Maze Runner and Percy Jackson.  I've written my own series, The Geneva Project, that has the same twinges of magic, action, adventure and romance.  The first 24 chapters of my first book, The Geneva Project - Truth are on Wattpad now.  Check it out and let me know what you think! xoxo - Christina Benjamin