I've reported that message to the wattpad support system. Fat shaming is actually a really bad thing IF it goes to the wrong person, you're lucky it goes to me. And I'm actually pretty self conscious that I'm far from ugly :-/
And P.S: I've reported them hours ago, before you said that it goes to the "wrong inbox"
Another P.S: You said "Ur a fat cheesecake urself"
if you don't realize it I actually put cheesecakes in my profile and my story, so unless that fat shaming is intentional, I don't know how your comment got into my inbox.
Also another fun fact, you said you searched for your friend's username and got mine instead and send that fat shaming message to me,
1) unless you search for ricajones you wouldn't come up with my name
2) the other two ricajones I can find is not even active
3) you don't follow me so if you said that "it got mixed up in my following list" it's obviously a lie.
Seriously, if you're looking for publicity by this name calling thing you won't get it.
And the last P.S: Don't do that again, it's harmful for some people.