Copied from @-danceismylife- who copied from @AyianaG who copied it from @anita147_268
Guys, PLEASE do not ignore science. This virus is a real thing, it’s not a hoax. It’s not “like the flu.” Don’t spew out a statistic with the survival rate. One, that survival rate isn’t the same for everyone depending on several factors such as age or underlying health conditions. Two, even if you fall into the highest level of survival, you can still die from it or if you’re not careful, pass it on to someone else who is at a lower rate of survival. Three, please don’t be selfish. I know things suck. I know life is complete hell because of this virus and we can’t live like we did one year ago but you have to think about others too. Think about your mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather, cousin and many more. Think about all of those for other people as well. This virus will only continue to become worse as time goes on if we do not take the necessary precautions and we keep dismissing the facts and statistics, brushing them to the side as if they mean nothing. They don’t mean nothing. So many people have died, both sick and healthy, both old and young. Men, women, children. Please don’t stop thinking of others. Take precautions. Wear a mask, social distance, avoid contact with people as much as you can. I’ve been inside for eight months. Haven’t seen friends or family since March. I only go into my car to pick up groceries or for taking a drive around the city. Nothing more. I’m fortunate that I can do virtual learning. I understand that some of you don’t have that which is why I said avoid contact with others as much as you possibly can. But even then, please don’t ignore science and please take precautions if not for yourself then at least others. If you don’t care about what happens to you, that’s your problem but don’t put that risk onto others as well for your own decision.