
people have unfollowed me ;-;


@kyung_jayy idk why they would follow and unfollow us in the end


@kyung_jayy yeah me toooo! You lost three followers like wth


【☆You look in the mirror and see yourself, but really, it's not you at all. I mean, there's your eyes and your nose, and your cute little smile, but that's not all there is to you. Because your not seeing the amount of lives you've touched with your presence. Your not seeing all the people you've made smile and laugh. Your not seeing how strong you are. In fact, all the battles you've overcome are completely invisible when you look in the mirror, hidden beneath your outside features. So, my darling, listen to me when I say that: you are not as simple as a reflection. You are complex, wonderful and something brilliant that a mirror simply does not have the capability to show. It's only showing one tree in the forest, one star in a galaxy, one grain of sand at a beach. And you are so much more than that. Please believe it.☆】


@GxlaxyCxm yeah thank you :)))))))))))))))))))))


@kyung_jayy "real men cry"
            ~ anonymous


@GxlaxyCxm  c-c-can I c-c-ry even Men don't cry :(


Hey guys i have 52 followers now wtf yayyyy 0.0 :)  ❤️


@BetulAslan561 ne demeye çalıştığını anlamıyorum. Tercüman 'Ne dion' diyor bu yüzden evet hehe ...


@BetulAslan561  ' 'Hey millet şimdi 52 izleyiciye sahibim.' 
            Bu, hehe olduğunu anlayamadığın için üzgün olsam dediğim şeydi ....


hey guys I just want to let you guys know that @_legitthighmaster is my cousin so I hope you guys would like to follow her since she is an ARMY so yeah. She is smh unable to follow because she has reached her following limit but she is someone nice to talk to hehe........ Not forcing btw it's just for her own good though since she has no friends tho :(


Omg!! 39 followers one more to go and then 40 woah guys tysm for supporting me befriending me thank you so much guys you helped me out. I hope we all can be best friends. If you don't want to I'm perfectly fine with it . You guys can talk to me whenever you want to. If there is some kind of problem you guys are facing do share with me if comfortable. Secrets too, if you are able to, since there is some privacy for people. Please feel free to talk to me,  sometimes or maybe for a long time, I'm not that available because I am having promotional exams this whole month so that's why so forgive me for not answering you guys ok 