Cant believe that we're the same,, jinstan and at the same time a tronnor shipper. Just want to say hi! Stumbled to your works then saw jin on your username so yep.
Hiiiiii ☺️ sooo I've been writing a fanfic that I like better than Robbers, so I unpublished that and I'm gonna upload the other one instead of that's ok.
By the way, I'm so so sorry I've been inactive with updating Coco Kisses, I've been super busy with school and midterms. Dw, a chappies gonna come ur way <33
Hey guys! I just started a new fic called Robbers, the story hasn't started yet but I kind of introduced Connor in the Prologue. Cool. :) let me know what you guys think!
Ok hi I accidentally deleted the last messages oOps
Ok hi so I really need smut one shot ideas so hmu if you have any and I'll obviously credit you for your idea!
tina (chaneltronnor)