First things first: I absolutely love to read!
Unfortunately I don't have the money to buy all those books I want to read which is why WATTPAD is the perfect opportunity for me to read all those incredible good stories written by people just like you and me.

Not too important to mention: I also like to write. I have so many ideas in my head for so many different stories but I somehow am not able to finish just one which really annoys me.

What I don't like: People who are not able to mind their own business and always have to say something against others. Seriously if you don't like what somebody does just look away. Life is full of so many beautiful things you should concentrate on instead of ruining somebody elses day by hating on them.

What I do like (a LOT): One Direction|5Seconds of Summer|Music in general|My amazing friends|Summer|Laughing|My family|and a LOT more...

Some general information:
I am a girl.
I am 17.
I am from Germany.
I spend most of the time thinking about a conversation that will never happen or about boys that will never think about me the same way.
I love my life especially because my family and friends (<-@PS-Cutie-Comes|@lizzie340|@Natscha|and a lovely girl who isn't on wattpad) do everything to make it better than I could ever wish for.

Always bear in mind: You are perfect just the way you are (if you read this in the melody of the song I like you even more)

If there is someone who really has read all of this: I like you!

xx. Lieeva
  • Дата регистрацииSeptember 1, 2013


Последнее сообщение
Lieeva Lieeva May 04, 2014 10:11AM
@PS-Cutie-Comes The vas happening song ;D
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