I don’t know whyI feel that I need to depend myself. I’m gonna say a few things in my defense.Sometimes I can have face so pressed up so close to the mirror. I can see myclear and dimply blue eyes.
I can hear wordsin my mind when I’m so close to the mirror. Sometimes My mirror can talk with me.
“close your eyesand think about darkness, no feelings no people just silence and darkness” saysmy mirror everytime when I want to talk with it.
My mirror alwayshelps me when I need to talk with someone. It gaves me advices, it helps meto cogitate.
Actually, my mirrorcan’t talk with me, my mirror is ordinary. It can just show me myself so close,in my mirror I can be in my mind. Actually , my adviser is the second I who isstronger than me. The second I can beable to handle more than I can.