I bet you're not a big failure than me, do you know what I did?
Huoh hahaha
That's the whole thing, I do nothin.
I'm an idiot...I can't do anything
No one knows me, I am a procrastinator. . .
I got my life's worst grades on my Board exams, can you believe it?
And still I dream to became one of the most famous people in the world
I dream myself blocked at traffic and I come out to give a speech to the other people stuck on their and eventually release my next movie's trailer on a screen at my other side installed for advertising.
People clap, my movies becomes the most grossing movie ever.
I dream documentaries on myself, still I hadn't done anything
I wanna make comic but can't cause no-one supports me.
I asked an artist for help, she appeared nice...she seemed nice, she said yes...but then she left
You wanna hear a bit more? I got a bunch more.
But still don't wanna write cause I can't even accept it.
I'm dying
And I'll die
I know.