I've loved writing for about five years now, but have only really gotten into writing a lot now. I mightn't post for a while and when I do don't hold your breath for updates as I'm usually really busy.
I'm a massive nerd and love reading so any suggestion of what to read post it on my wally thing. Any requests or questions post on it and if I don't answer for a week send me a message. Thanks for those who are reading this, I know there's probably not many of you but I can dream.

Currently looking for a critique buddy/ someone to critique my stories, message me for more information. Thanks
  • Дата регистрацииMay 8, 2013

Последнее сообщение
Pichufudge Pichufudge Dec 06, 2013 01:03AM
Does anyone want to be a beta reader for me?
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Shannon от Pichufudge
Shannon is kicked out of her home at the orphanage at age 17, after the princess has been found to be missing...
Peter Piper Picked Me от Pichufudge
Peter Piper Picked Me
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