
rebranding ur account is hard when u don’t have a stable personality ._.


i’ve decided to discontinue “ruin.” after thinking long and hard about where i want this book to go, i just couldn’t think of a way to put the best quality of my writing into this book. i know i can do better and take the time to really perfect what i’m writing. and looking back, i’ve realized that “ruin” was mostly an impulsive decision. the idea was in my head for a hot second before i decided to scrap up a chapter and publish it. there was barely any motivation to what i wrote. i’m mostly disappointed in myself for letting this story go, but i think it’s for the best. thank you all SO much for the support and encouragement on the book because it really did make me feel good, but i truly know i can do better! 


good evening. i am writing this message to address what we all know has been going around on the media these past few days. watching the murder of George Floyd was something so upsetting and angering. as a young black women myself, i’m ashamed to say that the idea of a black person (especially a black male) being killed by the hands of the law did NOT surprise me. it was something i saw all the time. we should never have to NORMALIZE this feeling and we can’t allow this to keep happening to innocent black people all around the world. please take the time to read and sign this petition to help George Floyd justice he deserves. it only takes a second to make a difference. #BLACKLIVESMATTER!