
I just made a insta account today, and it got suspended within 2 hours lmao. Dunno what I did wrong, they suspended my account cuz apparently I act like a bot. Like idek what I did wrong lmao, I created the account just to see Louis preform in India. And after that I was scrolling through insta looking for like edits and stuff and now my account is suspended lmao


I just made a insta account today, and it got suspended within 2 hours lmao. Dunno what I did wrong, they suspended my account cuz apparently I act like a bot. Like idek what I did wrong lmao, I created the account just to see Louis preform in India. And after that I was scrolling through insta looking for like edits and stuff and now my account is suspended lmao


There’s no black people in my school lol, idk if I should be happy or not. But they all seem genuinely nice so I’m not too scared of racism there


            Alright, thanks. :) hoping it won’t happen tho, cause then I’ll most likely switch schools


@whotfiskenny you shouldn't be scared of racism. if anyone tries it, then you should give it back to them, if not they'll continue to bully you. 


I miss math. Id honestly hate school if math wasn’t a subject 


@Angelmayloves Lmao pull out the ops on them




@whotfiskenny Oof, you’ll get it soon enough 


Help, I literally lost my glasses, I don’t know where my school supplies are at, and idek where my library books are (they’re due), and I’ve been binge eating Burger King and Wendy’s for the past two weeks (I’ve deff gained like 10 pounds ☠️). send help 


I wanna join GSA, like I saw posters around the school when we were touring.. and it seems very inviting, and comforting and a good community, I just refrain from it cuz it’s like a homosexual club yk lol, and idk how my sister would feel if I randomly started going to a club that’s usually only for homosexual. Butt you only live once so I think I’ll go, but at the same time idk, my sister would be suspicious. But I also thought about saying that it’s a club for every1 not just for homosexuals but at the same time, that’s suspicious, and then she might know I’m queer lmao. Anyways idk if I should or not, cuz it’s a new school, new beginnings. And it’s better to start going to the club in the start, rather than the middle cuz it’ll prob be less nerve wracking. Ahhh idek cuz what if my parents come like during a parent teachers night, and a teacher casually mentions that I go to GSA T-T lols my parents would not like that 


            Okay, thank you! <333 
            Hopefully I’ll be comfortable there, I’ll try to check in with the office to see when they have it :p


@whotfiskenny Do it, I suppressed that part of myself but I promise once you do you’ll feel so much better and welcomed.


Idk if I should continue band or not. Cuz Im doing flute & idk if that’ll be beneficial in the future lol


            Glad I’m not the only one with this problem lol
            And same, I might quit but Im gonna try in the new school first to see if I actually like it or not, cuz I honestly still don’t really get anything my band teachers teach me, so if it’s easier I might continue
            And marching band seems funn we don’t have that in ours tho, and yes lol, art does. It also seems easy to get high marks on. 


@whotfiskenny I actually have the same problem ToT I'm thinking of quitting next year bc my band program isn't great anyway. But yeah, there are also other things in band like marching band (in my school) challenging decisions I guess. But art does seem fun


Debating if I should do singing or art instead cuz they seem more interesting butt idek lol, band is also fun