
this message may be offensive
Its weird how my heart aches. I wonder why I cry for people who won't give a shit. It makes me sick.


Wattpad better not delete my account I swear. I may be innapropriate but as far as I can tell i've still followed the rules. What they really need to worry about is the growing number of kids under 13 on Wattpad that aren't even supposed to be here at all because of how much mature content there is that they could be exposed to.


@1-800-THICC And I know i'm not one to talk but I don't want people to be like me.


@1-800-THICC Like I get that technology is great but teach them this stuff first?


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@1-800-THICC But tbh half of the younger generation is already exposed to that shit because NEWSFLASH people, they've had access to the internet and the internet isn't exactly a safe place to be on when you are left unsupervised which most children are. Just 2 years ago I when I was in middle school almost everyone had phones and they looked at innapropriate things, texted innapopriate things, AND cursed a lot. In the cafeteria almost everyone was on their phone all the time so the principle made a rule that you can't have it out unless its free time. I blame the parents. Not all kids are like that and I am relieved that there is a decent percentage of parents that raised there kids right even when they had access to it.