
@tootieboobaby1  I inboxed u 


Why do we sleep through church, but stay awake for a 3hr movie? Why is it hard to pray, but easy to cuss? Why is it hard to re-post a Godly post, but easy to re-post mean ones? Why can people worship a celebrity, but not God? Gonna ignore this? Afraid to get laughed at? The Lord said "If you deny me in front of your friends. I will deny you in front of my Father" Re-post if you don't deny him.
          —–██—– your Wall ██████—if you’re not —–██—– embarrassed —–██—– to tell others —–██—– that you —–██—– believe in God
          In Luke 12:6-7 it reads " Aren't 5 sparrows sold for 2 cents? God doesn't forget any of them, Even the very hairs on your head are numbered, do not be afraid you are worth more than many sparrows"
          Do NOT deny God ask him into your life today ♥96% of teens won't stand up for God. Put this in your profile if you're one of the 4% that will


@-Imaginator- your really sweet and thanks I will in box you some time and yea I don't want my book to make people sad I just want to encourage but don't ever feel bad about your emotions :D


@zanibaby  Thanks, you're sweet yourself. And yup, anytime:) That's a great goal, to encourage others. Your book is sad too, but it is inspiring, and I think your whole life is kind of inspiring, that you would share your emotions with us like this instead of  keeping all of your feelings to yourself... people need to vent, I think that's really important in life, and I bet Wattpad helps.


Hey, I like the title of your book:) It sounds really poetic and it made me sad... You can talk to me if you need to, and I am always here. Just to let you know. I know, people don't always like pity. Actually, hardly ever.  But if you need to vent, I'll always listen.  Thanks for following me... Have a fantastic day love:)