I Guess That Happened (4)

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Miranda Jason

After my encounter with Micheal Drew, every nerve in my body screamed at me to find Khafi immediately. I once again sent dozens of texts, I called every night but I didn't dare go into that house again.

I found myself sulking in the middle of some of my classes, mostly the ones that bored the heck out of me. I also found myself ranting away to my best friend, Andy, more times that I could count. I was sad, worried and most of all, guilty. That went on for about two weeks.


A fresh Monday morning accompanied with an agitated me. I had reached the peak of my worry and if I didn't see Khafi after school, I was sure I'd be damned. I mentally made plans to visit her house after school, the thought alone was nerve wrecking, then the possibility of seeing Khafi popped in my head and my mind went on over drive.

Sitting aimlessly in Mr. Gregory's history class, I was not expecting what I saw next. Of course I was beaming but that didn't overshadow the surprise and guilt.

There, in a white, oversized hoodie, was Khafi Drew, the girl that suddenly left my life for a month and a half.

Even though I made a ruckus in the class, Khafi had not spared me a single glance after Principal Marcella had ordered I sat down. I was expecting a wave, a smile, some sort of acknowledgment, definitely not the cold shoulder. Seeing her intentionally ignore me sent multiple pangs to my heart. I hadn't been able to get a grip on her all day, it seemed like there was always someone with her, and there was. The class representative, Leo, hadn't left my girlfriend's side since she hurriedly left history class, I couldn't help the numerous glares I sent his way.

I sat at a table in the bustling cafeteria with Andy, who was doodling on some napkins, right next to me. As I angrily sipped my diet coke, none other than Khafi and Leo walked into the mess hall. I must have gripped the cup in my hand because the next thing I knew, it's content was quickly trickling down my hand.

Andy arched an eyebrow as I snatched a napkin he hadn't drawn on. He eyed the mess and went back to doodling with a shrug.

"So... you and Khafi," he started, not looking away from his doodle, "What's going on? She's back but you guys aren't shoving your love down our throats." His blank face broke into a grin as he gazed at the napkin he was doodling in. After calming his happiness, he turned to me with a questioning look.


"I- I don't know," I admitted, still ridding my fingers of the beverage. "We haven't spoken in more than a month."

"And now she's back," he said, eyes trailing to the duo that had just retrieved their meals and were moving towards a secluded table. "And rather close to the class rep, might I add."

I practically growled. My grey eyes hardened as they burned holes at the back of Leo's head. "Don't fucking remind me," I seethed through gritted teeth. I was obviously irritated by Khafi's sudden attitude, I had no clue why the change but if I can find out why she was absent the past few weeks, that would reveal it. So, I continued to glare at the duo and as I angrily ate.

The rest of the school day flew by me in a drizzled blur that mostly revolved around Khafi. She hadn't spoke a single word to me and I would not have heard her voice if not for that time in English class where Mrs. Briggs asked her to read a paragraph out to the class. My eyes glued to the back of her head, she was moved to a front seat for some reason, as she anxiously stumbled over her words. Khafi was not a fan of attention, crowds usually flared up her anxiety, when a number of people paid her several glances she grew severely anxious, sometimes resulting in an attack.

When the class ended I tried to go over to her and calm her probably rapidly beating heart, but I was swiftly pushed aside by Leo. He laid his hands on her shoulders and gave Khafi a few seconds to get a grip on her bearings. I watched as they both left the class, one of Leo's hands still placed on Khafi's shoulder, leaving me alone.

"Fuck," I murmured. My gaze trailed to the floor as I bit my bottom lip. I was probably there for few minutes but it felt longer.

"Miranda? What are you still doing here?" Mrs. Briggs voice cause me to lift my head. Her sea green eyes bore into mine as a frown drew on her lips.

"You're late for your next class." She stated, crossing her arms over her chest. I scrambled out of the class, quickly sending an apology her way. After that, I didn't have any class with her so I opted to wait till school ended.

So, there I was, waiting by the gate, Andy animatedly talking by my side. My fingers twirled the stray pieces of blonde hair that fell in front of my face as my grey eyes quickly followed everyone that walked past the door.

Finally, Khafi stepped out, Leo by her side, eliciting a low growl from me, with her hands buried deep in her hoodie pockets. Her brown eyes focused on a car that was parked right outside the school gate. My girlfriend heaved a sigh and turned to wave good bye to Leo. The class rep returned the gesture with a small smile and a wave.

Before Khafi could fully leave school grounds, I was able to wrap my fingers firmly on her elbow, bringing her to a halt.


"Why're you ignoring me...?" I whined, pulling the puppy dog eyes. Khafi looked uncomfortable under- more like above- my gaze, the look on her face almost made me drop this and let her go, but I had already made up my mind in interrogating her.

"I- Miranda- I didn't-"

"You can't say you didn't mean it!" I snapped, "You actively ignored me Khafi, do you know how that felt? Especially after you just disappeared on me? I was so worried about you...!"

Tears already pooled at the corner of my eyes and mid speech they fell. I leaned my head on Khafi's upper arm as I sobbed quietly, something I did when I was angry, it usually led to us hugging. When she didn't react to my outburst, I lifted my head to see her biting her lower lip, holding back tears.


"No, Miranda, I'm sorry. But I can't, I can't okay," she shakily started, quickly snatching her arm out of my grasp.

"I- I just, I can't do us anymore!"

My eyes hardened, tears still falling from them, as I queried Khafi on what she meant. She couldn't mean what she had said, I thought, she was probably being delusional, maybe a prank. Whatever it was, it wasn't doing anything to ease my turmoil of emotions.

"You know what I mean... I can't anymore."

Her words brought me to an instant halt. She turned away from me and scurried over to the car from earlier. I watched as she went in and as the car zoomed by.

"Miranda, you alright?" Andy's voice called out hesitantly, placing a hand reluctantly on my shoulder.


"Please what?"

"Please tell me that didn't happen..." By then, Andy had my face on his chest with him patting my head. He didn't say anything, further confirming that I was in fact dumped.

We stood there for a while, me clenching the fabric of his shirt as I sobbed into it and he comforting me.

(Yo, Miranda's POV is so hard OnO)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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