Meant to be

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Chapter 3 :)

Kylie's P.O.V

Louis had me meet the boys, they seemed really nice. But the blonde one, oh my gosh, the blonde boy was just amazing. I don't fully know him yet, but I want to know him better.

"Kylie, feel free to take a seat on the couch" Louis told me smiling.

"Okay thanks" I said smiling towards the ground.

I went over an sat down next to The blonde one.

"Hi Kylie, I'm Niall" he said smiling at me.

"Hi Niall, nice to meet you" I smiled back.


Nialls P.O.V

Kylie, like I said before, was Truely beautiful. Louis had her sit On The couch And she sat next to me.

"Hi Kylie Im Niall" o saída to her smiling.

"Hi Niall, Nice to meet you" she saída smiling back. Her smile was beautiful.

"So what brung you here?" Zayn asked Kylie.

"Well....Um.. Louis just invited me here...." she said looking at Louis. Oh no, what if she likes Louis, not me!


Well that's chapter 3 I know it's short and has a bad ending I couldnt think of anything else/;

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