That's "Kwazii" With Two "i's"

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In which Dashi, Tweak and Min have fun misspelling (and mispronouncing) Kwazii's name.

"And then, from the watery depths a beast rose, a beast of the the likes you've never seen me hearties! It must 'ave been thirty feet tall at least, and covered in shaggy fur, with teeth as sharp as-" 

"Hey, Kwazii?" Dashi interrupted. "How d'you spell your name?" 

Tweak, Min, Peso and Professer Inkling were gathered around Kwazii one stormy evening in the Game Pod (idk I think it's called that?), listening to the newest thrilling story. Dashi, curled up in a beanbag chair on the other side of the room, was doing something on her tablet. 

Kwazii looked down at her from where he was standing on the ping-pong table. "Why?" He sounded suspicious. 

"No reason." Dashi said lightly. This was unusual, seeing as Dashi was a sort of loner, not unfriendly but still introverted. She rarely ever even joined them in the Library or Game Pod or wherever they happened to be that day.  

"K-W-A-Z-I-I." Kwazii said it too fast for anyone but Tweak and her super-sharp hearing to pick up. She laughed quietly, but they still heard her. 

"What?" Peso asked, clearly perplexed. He felt like he wasn't getting something here. Dashi's behavior was confusing, and Kwazii was being particularly outrageous today, and Tweak, well, Tweak was as Tweak was. 

"It's just funny." She said. "Why put two "i's" when only one would be needed?" "That's just how it's spelled, okay?" Kwazii raised his voice. "I don't want people to think I'm called Kwazi!" He pronounced it 'Quay-zee'.  Dashi and Min were both lost to a fit of giggles. "You arwe Cwazy!" Min baby-voiced. "Also," Tweak pointed out, "That would be a problem with the 'Kwa', not the 'ii'." 

Kwazii gritted his teeth. "Why'd you wanna know how to spell my name anyway?" He demanded. "Because," Dashi said triumphantly, "You've spelled it wrong on your profile!" 

"What?" "Yes, you have, it's K-W-A-W-Z-I-I!!" Inkling dragged Peso out of the room at the look on Kwazii's face. "Kwa-wa-zii?" Tweak was fighting hard not to laugh. "Ka-wow-zee!" Min shrieked with mirth. "Please, It's Ka-wow-zeeeeeee!" Dashi said in a fake French accent. "Zeeeeeee!" Min and Tweak said together.  All three of them were shaking at this point, laughing so hard. "Put an 'N' in it!" Dashi begged Min. "Ka-wown-zeeeeeee!" Tweak said. "Circus! Clown-zee!" Min added. "Or Kwaznee!" 

Kwazii jumped off the ping-pong table, looking incredulous. "Girls!" He sputtered as he stormed out of the room. 

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