Merry Christmas, Patient #58

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Normal POV~

"Oh, fuck!" Yami cursed and quickly placed his cup of hot chocolate down. Daily reminder, always temperature check your mugs before taking a longing sip, or else you'll burn your mouth.

"Dr. Motou, are you okay?" A concerned voice asked from his office intercom.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just burnt my mouth," Yami answered quickly while pushing his glasses up. Come to think of it, he should've worn his contacts today.

"Oh, okay, it's nice to hear you're all right. Anyway, I have a patient in here who's in the waiting room. I was going to send him to Dr. Kenneth, but perhaps you'll be willing to help him?"

"Of course, I don't have anyone at the moment."

"Great! I'll send him in right now!" Yami thanked her, then muted the end receiver.

"This will be my fifty-eighth patient. So few people came in today..." The pale man looked at the clock and sighed in relief because his shift will be over in an hour. Maybe he will make it home before Christmas officially hits. While he adjusted his paperwork and equipment, the door opened, indicating the patient has arrived.

"Hey there. I'm just getting everything-" When he turned his head to face the man standing at the door, he expected to see an older man with a cough or a child with their mother because he threw up in the middle of the night. He totally didn't expect to see a downright handsome man, tall and fair with beautiful eyes and sharp features, standing there.

"Everything ready?" He finished with a small smile. The doctor blushed a bit at the deep baritone voice and nodded.

"Y-Yeah," Yami slipped his gloves on and motioned for the man to sit on the clean white bed.

"What seems to be the problem?" The doctor activated his professional mode at full level. He couldn't be acting as if he was an inexperienced high-schooler right now during work!

"I um, I broke my arm. I think." The man explained. Yami arched his eyebrow.

"You think?" He questioned with a head tilt. The man nodded almost... sheepishly?

"I tripped on a side curb and hit my arm in the process. I felt a small sting but I thought nothing of it at first since I believed it to be a sprain. It wasn't until I touched it that it felt like a thousand knives stabbing me," Yami nodded and wrote down what he said on his clipboard, then he set it on the table.

"May I?" He asked softly. The man nodded. With confirmation, Yami delicately took his arm and looked for the signs of a fracture, and indeed there were. The area that had a blue-purple bruise was certainly deformed and swollen.

Atem watched the doctor inspect his arm delicately. The shorter man was concentrated with his brow adorably furrowed in thought. Dr. Motou was so close to him, all he had to do was lean forward to touch his plump and pinkish lips. The tanned man blushed at his thoughts and cast his gaze away, not believing he was longing for a man he just met.

"You definitely broke a bone, but I can't determine which by eyesight. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to cast your arm unless I prescribe an X-ray so we know which bone has been broken," Yami smiled apologetically, "Luckily, our orthopedic who does X-rays is still here. Come with me," The man nodded understandably and stood up.

While they walked to the orthopedic, the taller man took the opportunity to inspect the doctor closely. The white coat's sleeves Dr. Motou wore had to be rolled up so they wouldn't cover his hands, and he had black-framed glasses that were pushed up once in a while. His most notable trait was his crimson-amethyst eyes. Atem was never a man that didn't appreciate a beautiful man or woman, and wow, was this man really gorgeous.

Merry Christmas, Patient #58Where stories live. Discover now