m a i n - c a s t

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T H E  F U T U R E  V I O L E N T

Full Name: [Dr.] Spencer Louis Terra Strange

Occupation: Master of the Mystic Arts/Doctor/Surgeon

Age: 25

Age: 25

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"fOr YoUr InFoRmATiOn sTaRk, I think I have a concussion..."

"He just yeeted me around, like I was a fucking skipping stone!" 

"listen...i got mY MD AND PHD AT THE sAmE TiMe--"

"It's basically, YEET OR BE YEETED at this point!" 




Full Name: [Kingsnake] Kian Marena Mentallia 

Occupation: Ex-Assassin/Military

Age: 100+

Age: 100+

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"руки прочь." Hands off.

"Баки, я не гребаная нога, в последний раз я проверил." Bucky, I don't have a fucking leg, last time I checked. 

"не для продажи, отвали крысу." Not for sale, piss off rat.

"я просто хочу спать, сам по себе этот раз." I just want to sleep, on my own, this time.



T H E  W I T C H  D O C T O R

Full name: [Dr.] Stephen Barraan Strange

Occupation: Ex-Surgeon/Master of the Mystic Arts

Occupation: Ex-Surgeon/Master of the Mystic Arts

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"Maybe they can make you a metaphysical ham on rye."

"What, for almost blasting us into space?"

"You're hilarious, Spencer."

"Spare her life...I will give you the stone."

Last collage is not mine + Stephen's middle name is made-up. There's a song title at every chapter, find something to play it and read too :D 

Actors as their respectable Marvel characters.

I don't own Marvel or their plot/characters. I own Kian and Spencer, plus my own plots + dialogue. Grazie. 

SPOTIFY PLAYLIST: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0mxwvRqdtapBneipfnSB7h?si=1928f3f49ea54d92

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