A Good girl(female!MC x teen!Crewel)

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This chapter is for those who enjoy indulging in puppyspace. As someone who enjoys it myself, I really like Crewel and wanted to find a puppyspace themed fic of him, but sadly, there are very few Crewel x readers let alone teen aus and puppyspace tags.

(p.s. if requested I'll make a male/gender-neutral version of this chapter. It'll mostly be the same though.)

What's puppyspace? If you already know or don't care to read the paragraph below, go ahead and skip to the chapter.

Not to be confused with petplay/puppyplay, puppyspace is a mental state some people like to tap into in order to relieve stress. It's similar to little space, but instead of acting like a child, the person in that mental state acts like a dog. Or rather, a puppy. Most people thankfully keep it in the privacy of their own homes and if they have a partner, it helps to have them pretend to be their "owner". While yes this can be turned sexual, it's for the most part, wholesome. I'd like this chapter to not only be a service to myself and others with puppyspace tendencies, but also to bring more awareness to this mental state. I never would've found out about it if it wasn't for boyfriend asmr. Anyways...

You were stressed to hell and back. Or should you say, the devildom and back. (If you get the reference you're not innocent.) 

You finally made up for all the grades and classes you had. Well, except for one. You were terrible at potions. It was your worst subject, somehow worse than history despite sleeping in that class a majority of the semester. 

As you crashed onto the couch in the Ramshackle lobby, you failed to notice a white and black haired boy about your age sitting on the other end. He must've been waiting for you.

"Hello darling. You look rough." You jumped at his greeting, not caring at his brute honesty. He wasn't wrong, you looked like a mess. Your hair in an uneven bun, bags dragging at your dry eyes, and not to mention every muscle in your body tensed at the headache stuck in your skull.

"Oh, hey.. yea I haven't slept in like.. what day is it?" You laughed with him, he put his arm around your shoulders. Paired with a kiss on the cheek.

"Well, maybe that should be a sign that you could take a break and snuggle with your boyfriend." Crewel said, as he leaned in for a kiss. You unwillingly backed away and sighed.

"I wish I could, babe. I still have to study for potions.." You raked a hand through your hair, bracing for the tears nearly erupting from your eyes. Crewel wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his fake fur coat.

"You need to take a break. I'm not asking you to, I'm telling you. I don't care how much pressure our teacher is putting on you, your mental health comes first. You're not a machine that's programmed to work all day and study all night." He spoke firmly. A demanding and enforcing tone yet still accompanied by the sweet loving intent.

You snuggled into his chest, placing your hands over his stomach. You both sat in silence for a moment. "Fine. I'll take a break for tonight. But I'm waking up early to review my notes-" Before you could finish speaking, Crewel aggressively kissed you, having one hand pull your chin to his and the other keeping your figure close to him. After he let go of your jaw, you were breathless. 

"I don't want to be a controlling partner, or make you feel like I'm taking your freedom away from you, but I can't watch you torture yourself like this anymore." Crewel picked you up bridle style, swiftly yet gently waltzing up the stairs to your room. You were too tired to fight back.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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