Hopital trips

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Olivia's pov
"Mateo " I laughed it was like 6 am and Mateo was laying beside me asking if we could go to the park ... I stared at the beautiful baby in front of me , his big brown eyes just like mattias , his little nose that didn't match mattias nose .. "here" I said , handing him my phone , heading down stairs to make breakfast. Mateo followed me around the kitchen for an hour "go sit down baby , you'll be all tired for the park "
I said "we're going ?" He asked "of course we're going " I smiled "then we can go see daddy" I laughed "really!" He said super happy

"Polibio , dorm b " I said into the phone "hey" he said " hi" I blushed through the phone "we're coming to see you in about an hour ok?" I asked " sure , bring Mateo"
He laughed " where else would he go " " home ?" " with out his mother ?" "You should cami back into work , I miss seeing you " he said " I miss you too I'll come in a month .. I'm off mat leave then " I sighed "ok ! See you then " he chuckled

Mateo baby let's go " I said , pulling his jacket out of the closet "where are we going mommy"he gurgled "to the park baby" I laughed "and we're going on the slide ?" He babbled "yes Mateo ' I laughed "then can we go to the food place and have a cookie ?" He asked "sure buddy!" I chuckled

"Mateo !come here , come take a picture for mommy " I giggled as he ran over to me

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caption:"let it snow 🤍🙈"

"You can go sit on the bench over there while I grab your jacket ok? " I said
I watched as Mateo ran over to the bench , almost instantly falling to the floor
"Mateo baby ! Are you ok?" I said , sprinting over to him "mama?" He said , blood pouring off his face "Mateo!" I said calling my mother "call 911" he screeched

"Hello?" "Hi I need an ambulance to the park on King and young " "what's going on ma'am " "my son fell at the park , there's blood everywhere !" "We're on our way ma'am " "Mateo baby , talk to me " I sighed waiting for my mother and the ambulance 

"Only one person can enter the room with him " "I will" my mother said " I'm his mom" I scoffed "ok you go" she said .. "he's in a good state .. he broke his nose , in the slightest bit , he needs eight stitches on the bridge of his nose , connecting to his forehead " the doctor said .

Mattias pov
"Where's Olivia and Mateo?" Kairi asked "🤷🏽" I shrugged "shell some later I guess , I just hope they're ok " I said , staring at Alejandro . " dude they're fine " Alejandro
Said "call her " Kairi suggested "yeah" Alejandro said "olivia is everything ok?"
"Mateo is in the hospital, broken nose , eight stitches " "will he be ok?"
"Yeah , my moms gonna take him until I graduate.. I'll go back to work and Mateo will be safe " "hiii!" "Hey Kairi" "heyyyy""hi Alejandro " "come bye tomorrow then , take you'r time , don't rush ... keep him safe ok " "ok mattia , I'll come bye Tomorrow " she said hanging up

Olivias pov
"Mama" I said, instantly bursting out into tears "que pasa? " (what's wrong?)
She asked "that's was mattia , he wanted to know what was wrong "
I said , realizing my mother was speaking Spanish , she on,y does that when she's upset ..

"Por qué te preocupas por él?" (Why do you care about him ?"
"el es papa de mateos" (he is mateos dad ) "sí, pero ustedes no están saliendo, ni siquiera han decidido qué van a hacer con mateo, simplemente los dejó embarazada y se fue. está usando la excusa "estoy en un hospital  psiquiátrico 

(yes, but you guys are not dating , you haven't even decide what you're going to do with mateo , he just knocked you up and left hes using the excuse " im in a mental hospital)

"A diferencia de ti, le importa, lo hace y puede demostrarlo. ¡Crees que tirar un par de cientos de dólares sobre la mesa es una muestra de afecto! tal vez si miraras a tu alrededor verías lo que está pasando ... ¡no siempre se trata de ti!"

A diferencia de ti, le importa, lo hace y puede demostrarlo. ¡Crees que tirar un par de cientos de dólares sobre la mesa es una muestra de afecto! tal vez si miraras a tu alrededor verías lo que está pasando ... ¡no siempre se trata de ti!"

(un like you , he cares , he does and he can show it . you think throwing a couple hundred bucks on the table is showing affection! maybe if you looked around youd see whats going on .. its not always about you ! )

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