3 days later riley was still in the hospital and the doctor was checking her blood pressure and blood sugar everything is good they babies are go am going to talk to Dr Johnson ok 3 hour later dr Johnson come in ok you can go home today but take it easy ok am going to give you a wheelchair I don't want you to do a lot of walk ok ty dr lucas text the family and 45 minutes they get to lucas house
At lucas house the family is Thier waiting
Lucas help riley get dressed and they go home lucas tell everyone she is coming home 30
He pulled in the driveway and beep the horn everyone is hide lucas and riley walk in and say welcome home riley omg guy's ty so much and strat to cry baby don't care ok after they eat dinner everyone else went home and baby am really tired but I want to take a shower go to bed and tomorrow night I will help you with that ok am going to watch the news and come to bed ok! 30 minutes lucas walk in riley was sound a sleep he cuddle up with her kiss and the babies and they kick and lucas went to sleep