Lunch Time

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Pince Gumball POV
At lunch we sat together and talk about random shit. I liked him but was to shy to do anything about it.
-"I have some math work I don't understand, could you help me after school, my Prince? " Marshall said and I jumped from my thoughts
I could feel I was blushing -"Sure, why not!"
He got up ruffled my hair and walked out.

Marshall Lee POV
Gumball was so cute, he drove me crazy. I had a plan for the afternoon, I would ask him for help so we could then go on a date.
It all went perfect!

On the afternoon we met at his house, he was wearing a sweeter and some sweat pants. It was strange to see him with his glasses but he looked hot. He greeted me and my heart started pounding. We walked trough the living room and up the stairs to his room. It was all organized and pink.
"Here sit down" he said
"Thanks" I could not understand why I was so nervous it wasn't like I was going to marry him.
"So, what is it that you don't understand" he said while scratched his head
"Ummm.... Can I ask you something" my heart was going to explode
"Yes?" he asked intrigued
"Lest see a movie.. I understand math. I just want to hang out" I could feel the blod on my ears burning
"Yyyees" he said shyly blushing

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