Ch. 6 - Detours

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"He's not dead."

"B-But... His head is missing!"

Kakuzu let go of Nozomi's wrist and walked over to the gruesome scene. "Unfortunately it would take a lot more to get rid of that headache." Honestly, it looked worse than it actually was. Inspecting the body more, he was thankful that it was a clean cut; that made stitching his head back on an easier process. Pulling the scythe out of the body, he took out a storage scroll and sealed the dead weight and weapon for easy transport.

Nozomi, on the other hand, was still in shock. How could he be so nonchalant about this? "It doesn't make any sense." She was trying to wrap her head around the bizarre thought that Hidan was still alive when everything sane clearly rejected the idea. "The body needs a brain and heart and... This is insane..."

"Let's go. It's better if you don't try to understand the logic." Kakuzu walked past her.

The female tilted her head as she stared at the blood symbol drawn in the grass. Would this have happened if she had stayed with Hidan like she was supposed to? Now he was dead, but not dead, and Kakuzu didn't have his partner anymore. She couldn't help but feel a little guilty, even though a small part of her was glad the pervert was out of the picture for a while..

Kakuzu, on the other hand, was satisfied that step one of the plan seemed to be a success. A couple of days ago that had gone over the plan but he figured his partner had ignored him as usual. Maybe the idiot had listened to him after all and decided to be useful.

Hidan slouched back in his chair as he sat in Kakuzu's apartment. It was nearing midnight and this was honestly the last place he wanted to be right now; everything was always so fucking stuffy in here. The girl was currently sleeping, something he wanted to do at the moment, in his partner's room with the door closed.

"The target is a man by the name of Hifumi, a shinobi and scientist from your home village." Kakuzu started off. He opened his bingo book and held it up so Hidan could see the male's picture.

The silver haired male rolled his eyes. "Should be quick then. That shithole is full of nothing but fucking pacifists."

"Apparently he's been looking for you and is interested in your... lackluster hobby."

"Jashin-sama is not a fucking hobby. It's my damn-"

"I don't care." Kakuzu interrupted him before he could go on a rant, causing the latter to scowl in distaste. When he could finally rip him to shreds and offer him up... that would be a damn good day. "I'm going to put out a tip with your location and you're going to lure him in and take him to the rendezvous point. It doesn't matter how you do it, but leave him recognizable."

Hidan stood up from the table and headed to the door so he could retire for the night. Damn old bastard giving him all these fucking instructions, placing restrictions, and insulting his beliefs. Who the fuck did he think he was? Instead of doing all this bullshit, he needed to go and get laid. Maybe that would get the solid gold dick out his ass.

"Don't screw this up."

"Blah, blah, turn the bounty in and go home. I got it, fucking old bastard."

Kakuzu looked back and saw that his servant hadn't moved from her spot. "Nozomi."

She jumped in surprise at the sudden calling of her name and immediately turned away from the scene, running after Kakuzu. "I'm coming!"


"Do you know where they took Hidan's head?" Nozomi asked as she held onto Kakuzu's body. Kakuzu was jumping from limb to limb in the treetops at such a speed where she had to bury her head in his neck to avoid the wind.

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