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Jesus. Had those precious words finally come out of Alicia's mouth?

"You're in love with me?" Scott had to maintain his tough single-minded focus here. But man, it was hard when all he could think about was folding her into his arms and never letting go. He softened his words with another kiss to her hand, and prayed she'd come just a little farther with him. "Since when?"

"I don't even know." Choked with emotion, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears, she pressed her free hand to her heart and made a sound that was somewhere between a laugh and a repressed sob. "All I know is I've been coming out of my skin the last couple of weeks. I have to be with you. I don't even know myself when you're not there."

"Aww," cooed Krista and Cindi, who were now hugged together, looking misty.

Scott gaped at Alicia. This was freaking unbelievable. Success beyond his wildest dreams. Almost everything he'd hoped for.


Don't cave now, Armstrong. You've almost got the brass ring in your hot little hands.

"You 'have to be with me?'" he echoed. "What does that look like? Because we've done the weekend lover thing, and that doesn't work for me."

"God, Scott." Looking up, possibly praying for divine intervention to save her from this interrogation, she swiped at her eyes. "You just won't stop until you take everything, will you?"

Did she expect him to apologize?

"I have to, Alicia. When it comes to you, I need everything."

That made a couple more tears trickle down her cheeks, and seeing those tears cracked his control right in two. He'd had a plan to get to this fantastic breakthrough, yeah, but this wasn't a game. The woman he loved—a person who kept her feelings on maximum security lockdown whenever possible—had just admitted, in front of witnesses, that she loved him, too.

He couldn't let the moment pass without kissing her; forget playing hardball.

Planting his hands low on her hips, he pulled her up against him. "Say it again. It'll get easier the more you repeat it."

"I love you. Happy now?"

Hell, yeah, he was happy. Too happy to speak, in fact. Instead, he lowered his head and kissed her until they were both breathless.

"Well," said Cindi. "I guess we're not needed here, are we?"

"Guess not," answered Krista.

Scott and Alicia broke apart, but he held her hugged up to his side. "Hey, Krista." He'd always been cool with Alicia's sister. "How's your night going?"

Krista smirked with open delight. "Not as well as yours, apparently."

He laughed. "Can you do me a favor and take my friend Cindi home? Alicia and I have some, ah, stuff to take care of."

"Stuff." Cindi beamed. "Right."

Alicia clapped a hand over her mouth and looked to Cindi with regret written all over her face. "Oh, my God. I can't believe I threatened you like that. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it—"

"Oh, you meant it," Cindi said. "But you're welcome to him, so please don't rip my face off."

Alicia's brow furrowed with what looked like bewilderment. "You're very gracious."

Cindi's gaze, mischievous now, flicked over to Scott.

Uh-oh. Cindi wouldn't spill the beans to Alicia or anything—Hey, guess what, Alicia? I'm a married lesbian friend of Scott's who was basically hired to make you jealous tonight; isn't that funny?—but he knew she wasn't above needling him about this episode for the next twenty years or so. Time to go.

"We'll talk to you two soon, okay?" he said. Without waiting for any answer, he took Alicia's arm and steered her through the crowd, desperate to get his hands on her.


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