Well deck my god damn halls

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Hello everyone! This is the Christmas special. It's kinda long so you've been warned. There will also be some lemons in this chapter. I'm sorry if I'm ruining your Christmas spirit but as you can see from the picture above it's not all that family friendly. XD In this chapter You and William are married and have Michael, Chris, Elisabeth, and your own house. Also Henry and Scott will have wives and children. I'll try to make this a comedy although I don't think I'm all that funny. I hope you guys enjoy!

You wake up to William snoring right next to you. You tapped him.

"William... quiet..." You wined.

You looked at the clock and it was time for you two to get up.

"William, Will." 

You started to gently stroke his face to wake him up.

"It's time to get up." You said.

William let out a deep groan and lightly hit your face with a pillow. You slapped his arm. 

"William Afton get up!" You said in anger.

"Alright! Alright!" William said annoyed but he got up too fast and fell off the bed. 

"Ow!" William yelped.

You couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Are you ok!?" You asked.

"I'm fine!" William said as he started to chuckle.

You looked over the bed where William fell and his face quickly shot up to connect his lips with yours. You kissed him and ran your fingers through his dark silky hair. You broke the kiss.

"Go take a shower stinky! Your heads all greasy!" You said while touching his nose with yours. 

"Anything for you, love" William said and gave you a peck on your lips before he went to your guy's bedroom bathroom. 

You were about to get out of bed when a little girl and a little boy ran into your room and jumped on your bed. 

"MOMMY!! MOMMY!!" They yelled.

"I guess that's my cue to start the day." You said and grabbed the two little kids into a hug. 

One of them was your daughter, Elisabeth. She had long blonde hair just like yours, emerald green eyes and always had a smile on her face and was wearing her favorite pink poke-a-dot pajamas. The other child was your son, Chris. He had dark brown hair like his father and green eyes like Elisabeth. Today he was wearing grey stripped pajamas. 

"Where's daddy?" Elisabeth asked.

"He's in the shower sweetie, he'll be out soon." You said.

You laid with the little kids in bed and watched cartoons on the tv that was mounted on the wall across from the bed. William came out of the bathroom with only a small towel around his waist. 

"Hey darling, I was thinking before the kids wake up we could have some private time-" William stopped talking and tried to run back into the bathroom when he saw the kids but he tripped and fell. 

"WILLIAM!! PUT A LONGER TOWEL ON!!" You said while covering the kids eyes 

"What's going on mommy?" Chris asked.

"Nothing sweetie!" You said and uncovered there eyes when William was in the bathroom.

William came out a few seconds later with a longer towel on. Elisabeth ran up to him. 

"DADDY!!!" She said with a smile. 

William picked her up with one of his arms while holding his towel with the other. He held her close and kissed her forehead. 

💜Make Believe 💜 William Afton x female reader (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now