Chapter 3: Roaring Muscles and Shocking Minds

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Name: Talking

** emotion change, setting change, pov change

' ' thoughts

" " air quotes

FUCK tone change

() [] {} Author notes


*random street*

*1st pov*

All Might: *stern* Young lady. You too can become a hero.

Izumi has probably just heard the best news she could ever hear. That she could be a hero, and not from just any person on the street, but from her very idol. As much as I do detest the pro heroes and how annoying some of them can be, I won't step on another's dreams to be one, let alone my friend's dream. If anything, I'm excited for Izumi. She had always been a close friend of mine, and though she didn't always seem happy with my choice to live a normal life, she still supported my choices........then again as this school year started, she did actually keep talking about UA to me, though I always suspected it was merely because she wanted to get in herself, but when she would talk about the practical tests, and potential vital quirks, she did always slip in one of my esper abilities so.........

All Might: *to Izumi, dramatic* I deem you worthy of my power, my quirk is yours to inherit.







Izumi and (Y): *confused* Huh?

Perhaps I am hearing someone else's conversation nearby, because it sounded like All Might had just said Izumi could inherit All Might's quirk. Something that no one has ever heard of before. 

Izumi: *confused* Wait. What do you mean inherit? Inherit what?

All Might: *laughs* You should see your faces right now! Don't worry, I'm not gonna force this thing on you. *dramatic* Listen well young man! This is your choice! Do you want to accept my awesome power or not?! *spewing blood*

 *dramatic* Listen well young man! This is your choice! Do you want to accept my awesome power or not?! *spewing blood*

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A quirk that isn't acquired naturally. Interesting. This will require further study.

All Might: *stern* There are a couple things you should know about my abilities. Journalists always guess my quirk is Super Strength or some kind of Invulnerability. When people ask in interviews, I always make a joke and dodge the question. That's because the world needs to think that the symbol of peace is just a natural born hero, like any of them. But I'm not. There's nothing natural about my abilities.

 There's nothing natural about my abilities

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