His Daughter

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"She was only six years old that night,

As she hid behind that shelf

Cause daddy had a little too much to drink

And mama didn't want her to feel the pain she felt

But she still felt the pain,"

I watched, heartbroken, as a little girl climbed out from a hiding spot and ran to her bruised and beaten mother. Tears fell from both of their faces as the little girl tried to help her up.

"Well, ten years they came and went,

And dad was gone,

So she looked for love in other men,

And tried to act strong,"

I watched as she grew up. Her father died, and she never cried. Other men came and left her life like a dream. She grew up to become a beautiful woman, but there was still that frightened young girl.

"Broken hearts and scars in only places she could see,

Cause she just wanted, she just wanted to feel something,"

I watched with tears in my eyes as she dragged a razor down her thigh. Her fallen tears mixed with her blood as it fell slowly. Helpless, I turned to leave before I heard her cry out.

"If there's a God out there,

Please hear my prayer,

I'm lost, and I'm scared,

And I've got nowhere else to go,

I've come a long, long way,

But I'm not sure I can make it much farther,

So if you're listening, could you give a helping hand,

To your daughter,"

I turned towards the stars, hoping I could get permission to help her. What is the point of being an angel if you can't help someone? As she went to sleep, I waited all night for a sign. And when it came, I didn't hesitate to start.

"Well, her path started to change,

She reached out and grabbed God's grace,

And finally, she saw a light,"

I was relieved when I saw her life turn around and change for the better. And I almost felt the need to leave because of how happy she was, until one night.

"Where she decided one drink was alright,

And one thing led to another,

Next thing you know, nine months go by,

She's a mother,"

Throughout the entire time, I stayed by her side. Even if she never knew, I felt that I had to stay with her.

"And as she laid there in that bed,

Stroking that small angel's head,

Tears streamed from her eyes,"

I listened as she sobbed quietly throughout the night, repeating her wish again.

"If there's a God out there,

Please hear my prayer,

I'm lost, and I'm scared,

And I've got nowhere else to run,

I've come a long, long way,

But I'm not sure I can be the best mother,

So if you're listening, could you give a helping hand,

To your daughter,"

As she fell asleep, I begged the stars again. I was waiting once again until they permitted me to help her once again.

"Well, that baby grew into a boy,

Who became her pride and joy,

He loved her like no man could

And her heart felt peace cause she finally understood

God's love,"

I smiled as the child grew up into someone who people grew to love. He kept the girl I've been watching and protecting since she was a child, happy. Happier than I had ever seen her. As she aged, the happier they both became.

"So as she laid there in that bed,

99 years old,

She grabbed her son's hand and said,

There's something you must know,"

Her son sat beside her as she smiled, her face lined with pain, joy, worry, and sadness. I smiled as I watched the interaction.

"There is a God up there,

Who heard my prayer

I was lost and afraid,

And I had nowhere else to go,

I had no clue what to do,

And then He sent me you,

So if you're lost and afraid,

And you feel so alone,

Don't worry, child

Cause there's a Father who will love you as His own

Just like He loved his daughter

Like He loved His daughter,"

A tear fell on both his and my cheek as the heart monitor went dead. He walked out of the room as I stayed. I waited until she awoke so I could bring her to her new beginning.

When she rose from her body, I took her hand as her eyes slowly opened. "Hello, Abigal," Her eyes widened as she took in my appearance. I smiled, "I am your angel. I am here to bring you to your new beginning."

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