Best Friend Love Song

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Ok, so... it took me a while to finish this. And I'm supposed to be taking time off to "find inspiration". I got some, and here I am. XD I hope y'all like this one, cause this one might be my favorite so far. And please, bring napkins before you go any further.

I remember the day I told you. We were laughing about something, and then you just asked me. I was reluctant to answer but did anyway.

"What if I told you,

That I liked you,

More than friends do,"

You were shocked. I sat next to you, shaking in my skin. I was nervous. I didn't think this through, but I kept talking,

"Would you overreact,

Then say hurtful things,

Call me names,

Beat me up,

But then kiss me back."

We sat in the quiet park before I got up and left. I couldn't handle the silence I put ourselves into. Later that night, I was lying in bed thinking about what you would've said if I wasn't scared to hear your response.

"What if you've been lying your whole life too,

And what if you're too scared to make the first move,"

After that, we avoided each other. Hard. Anytime we did have to come face to face, we were surrounded by awkwardness and stilted conversation. As much as it hurt, I was thankful for it never being brought up again.

"Would you thank me for being brave,

For ripping off that band-aid,

Or would you hate me,

For how complicated I just made it,"

About a month later, we started hanging out again. It was a little awkward, but we got over most of it. We even got closer because of it.

"But sorry I can't spend another night,

Talking 'bout people that you like,"

That night made me realize something. You might think that ignoring what happened was beneficial for you, but it made me more miserable than I had ever been.

"Pretending that I'm fine,

Living in a lie,"

I kept going on like everything was the same. And I kept the hurt inside. You never asked, and I never told you.

"Cause when I'm looking in your eyes,

You make me feel ok,

You're the only one that's ever made me,

Feel that way,"

I thought we were getting past this. I thought I was past it, past this thing that almost ruined our friendship. But every time I look at you, I think of what could be.

"So what if I told you,

That I liked you,

More than friends do

Would you overreact,

Then say hurtful things,

Call me names,

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