Half Soul

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"You ready right to move in my apartment tomorrow?"

"Of course Tzuyu! We already talk about this."

"Im just make sure so we both wont forget to go your home to bring your stuff."

"Well then okay."

Mina mopping the floor and make sure Tzuyu switch the board door. They two success to open a famous coffee cafe and become a boss together. But it wont prevent them to work at night.

The workers there thankfull that they get a humble, caring and kind boss like them. At least they gratefull Mina and Tzuyu are not a sensitive person when they make mistakes.

Tzuyu heard a call from her pocket and take her phone. She see it was her boyfriend and show Mina. She nod as she let Tzuyu take the call. She just continue to clean up their cafe.

After 5 minutes, Tzuyu comeback and finish her work. After they two make sure all worker back home safe, they lock the door cafe. Tzuyu told Mina that her boyfriend will pick her.

"Oh Mina! There he is!"

"Well then take care Tzuyu and sends regard to Mingyu from me."

"Will do, bye!"


They wave together and when she see Tzuyu already go, she turn to go her home. Well her home is kinda far and need to take taxi. So she order a grab at her phone.

When she too focus on her phone, she suddenly bump to someone shoulder making her phone and the novel fell. She take her phone and novel also apologize to person she bumped.

"OMG! Im so sorry! I shouldnt focus much on my phone!"

"Its okay. Me too."

She stop from bowing and quickly face the person infront her.

'That heavy voice. Is him?'

"Miss? Are you okay?"

"Em em yeah! Im okay. Anf again im sorry."

"Its okay. Well then im going."

He takes his novel from her and go from the place. She still stone there not knowing what to do. She still cant believe what just she saw and heard.

She then snap from her gaze and see that clock almost hit 11. She rush take the grab and back. Luckily her brother already sleep in this time and she lock her room.

She shaking holding the frame at her table. The picture showing she with a guy hugging like true couple. She quitely cry when remember the tragedy happend between them.


"Sweety! Look! There is starfish here!"

"Bonghyuk! Dont touch it! Its dirty!"

"Dont worry about me! Relax! I will wash my hand after this."

Bonghyuk play the sand and spend time with his loves. She hug him in this breeze wind of the sunset. When they think its time to go, they in the car.

"Bonghyuk... can you stop playing with your phone?! Focus driving!"

"Wait Mina! I just stalking the instagram posting about football article."


She become sleepy and take a nap. Bonghyuk still not too focus driving om highway road. No one realize that he actually slowly drive to another road.

3♡Half Soul -WonMina-✔Where stories live. Discover now