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"rose , honey come downstairs ...what are you doing on the terrace ,it's cold here , you will get cold " rose's contact broke with the nature , she turned back just to see her mother smiling at her , a frown plastered her face when she saw sadness on her daughter's face .

"sweetheart what happened , why these lines on my beautiful princess" Amelia wrapped her hands around her shoulder and kissed her forehead , a forced smile graced rose's face but amelia was her mother and noone knew better than a mother when her children are upset . 

"come let's go downstairs , it's dinner time" amelia said and rose just nodded , the mother daughter duo both went downstairs where the knights men were already waiting for their queen and princess . 

"how are you my beautiful princess" nathaniel stood up and kissed his daugter's forehead , rose smiled at her father , he was the best father , he loved her a lot . 

"i am good papa , how was your day" she asked politely but nathaniel could sense the sadness in her voice .He along with the knight brothers looked at amelia for answers but she shrugged indicating that she doesn't know the answer . 

"hey babygirl , come here sit beside me , i brought you your favourite pastry today" alexander said trying to bring a smile on her face , she sat beside her eldest brother , everybody waited for her to jump on her pastries but that never happened , all of them understood there was something that was bothering her a lot . 

"bella what happened " xavier asked stroking her hairs , rose looked at him and then back at her lap .

"i am okay xavi" her voice laced with sadness. 

"sweety what's wrong " asked elijah ,concern swirling in his eyes . 

"i am fine eli , please don't worry about m- " she was cut off with the very impatient ehshaan 

"bullshit , stop being so stubborn rose and tell us what the fuck is wrong with you"ehshaan roared , she flinched in fear , everyone glared at him whilst xavier kept a protective hand around her . 

"stop scaring her loser" ethan smacked his twin's head . 

"i-i a-am s-sorry" saying this she ran off to her room and shut the door closed , everyone glared at ehshaan who now looked guilty , tears were the last thing he wanted to see in his little sister's eyes . 

"you Ehshaan ryder knight are grounded , handover all your electronic items to your mother and your credit card would be freeze for this whole month " ehshaan looked at his father horified but then he deserved the punishment . 

"ok dad" ehshaan said . 

"come lets go , my poor flower" amelia said as she walked over to her daughter's room and opened the door with the spare key , the knight men followed her inside . Their heart broke as they saw their little light crying her eyes out on the bed .

"sweety " amelia sat beside her daughter and stroked her hairs , nathaniel sat on the other side of her bed and took her hand in his . 

"what happened my flower , why are you so sad , did anyone say anything to you hmm , tell me i'll punish whosover they are" nathaniel knight swore .

"no papa , noone said anything to me" rose said as she kept her head on her mother's lap who was now wiping off her tears . 

"then what's wrong rosy cheeks" elijah asked 

"i-i w-want t-to go o-out , it's my b'day t-tomorrow , i don't even have friends , kelly the maids daughter , she has everything , she has friends and she also has a phone , she showed me her photos on in-insta i-instagame" 

"it's instagram baby" ethan corrected her 

"yeah instagram , she showed me her friend's pictures , and how she went on a trip alone with her friends , she has even went on a school trip to another country , i want to go out like her too , i want to make friends as well , but you guyz never allow me to , you keep saying that it's dangerous for me to go outside but i still want to go outside , i don't even remember the last time i stepped outside this mansion " she cried in her mother's chest . 

The knight family's heart ached for their little princess but what could they do , she was way too delicate for their world , they could have trained her but her physical health couldn't let them do it , when rose was born she was very weak , her heart was way too weak to survive but somehow she survived , she was a delicate flower , their little flower , she didn't even know they were mafia because they didn't want to hurt her . 


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