That Orange Scent

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“Let's make crepes.”
“Crepes?” Gojo takes his head off the pillow, looking over at Geto.
“Yes, I think they’d taste very good. Plus it's our day off. What else would we do? We deserve a lazy day dear.” Geto smiles over at his white-haired boyfriend. His long strands of hair falling all over his face. His bun must have come loose in his sleep again.

“Fine, fine. You deserve something sweet~” He makes a “cutesy” face at Geto while he chuckles lightly at him as he gets out of bed.
“Oh shut, we both know you’re gonna put so much jam on them,” he smiles, staring at the chief of police for the Tokyo prefecture. But instead of a beefy firefighter like in the calendars, he had a toned man sprawled out face down on their shared king-sized bed. The sheets overtaking the lower half of his body.
“Shhh, you didn't need to say it out louuuudddaaa,” he whines into the pillow. Only starting to move when he hears pots and pans clanking around in their small kitchen.
“Well, look who decided to join me,” he cocks his hip to the side, “I’m already done with the batter so now we’re just cookin’.”
“Mmmh, good. They’re gonna taste wonderful, and not just because you made them. But also because they’re crepes and you can’t go wrong with crepes.” he gets shot a playful glare as Geto pours in a small amount of batter and swirls it around the pan. “Anyways, tea or coffee for you?” he skids his feet towards the coffee maker.
“Whatever you’re having is fine.” Getou doesn't look away as he skillfully flips the crepe.
“Coffee it is heheee,” Geto doesn't look but can feel the light changes on the floor while Gojo dances a bit, “ahem, the usual?” He gets a small, focused “mhm” and fills up two cups, one black with two sugars. An order he knew like the back of his hand at this point. The other cup is filled with a monstrosity only known to the likes of Gojo Satoru.
“I still can't comprehend how you enjoy your coffee like that. It's basically just creme and sugar at that point, with coffee flavoring.” He decides now would be a good time to recite the same three points about Gojos coffee for years. Gojo just looks at him, a big t-shirt on, his hair not even slightly up anymore. He reaches for the band just barely holding any hair left. Geto is finally snapped out of his rant about his boyfriend's coffee to the last strands lightly falling down his back.
“Hmmm, I was thinking after breakfast we could take a bath. I haven't had one with you in a while. It is our lazy day so…” he trails off already knowing he had him hooked.
“I’ll go start the bath then,” He walks away slowly, Getou can feel his eagerness hit him, like waves hitting the beach. He packs everything up and puts the pancakes in the microwave. To keep them warm his brain said but he knows he’ll have to warm them up later anyway.

“The water warm?” he starts stripping and heads over to the shower. A small hum escapes his lips as the shower hits his back.
"Can I do your hair," a voice from across the room asks.
"I don't see why not. Do you want to braid it after the bath too?" A speck of sarcasm flicked into Gojo's face. The light-haired man either didn't care or didn't notice his excitement.
"For real? Braid your hair?" A small sparkle in his eye.
“Well- fine.” He finishes washing and heads over to the bath. Dipping a hand in first to check the temperature. Gojo tends to enjoy baths on the hotter side. And by hotter Getou means skin peeling, at least to him. His boyfriend seems to be quite fond of them. “What smells like orange?” he lightly smells around the steamy room.
“I did this new thing where I peeled an orange in the bath! Apparently, it makes it smell so I guess it worked.” of course he would do something dumb like this, where’d he even get the orange from? It Doesn't matter now, Getou knows he's soaking in orange peels. And Gojo is one hundred percent fine with that, somehow. He decides to brush it off and relax into the water. The silence sinks into both of their skin like the warm air around them.
Getou feels a light tracing at his leg, he could tell his partner was getting bored. And probably craving some sweets.
“You done? Cuz I’m about relaxed and now I’m just hungry.” he sits up in the small tub, lightly splashes the white haired man in front of him. He takes a second to look over his body, well built and none damaged. For being a firefighter he was always amazed at the lack of scars on his boyfriend. But that must come with the job, just the idea of it. He feels the now cool water start to move as Gojo gets out of the bath. A towel handed to Getou as he gets out, a small “thank you dear” escaping his lips as he dries his hair lightly. “It feels like a robe kind of day for me.” he ponders.
“Robes it is then,” he doesn't even think twice opening up the bathroom door to head to their bedroom. Another door could be heard opening and a light pace is heard coming back to the room. “It got you the black one you like,” a goofy smile spread across his face.
“Didn’t even put on your own first?” he takes the robe from him, noting the light blue robe also in his hands.
They both get dressed and go once again into the kitchen. Getou going to the microwave to get the crepes, he was correct on them still needing to be heated up. Gojo making another pot of coffee for the two.
“How about I put a record on?” oh he knew what that meant. It was never just a record, it was a whole day where they would then spend in one room putting different records on and talking about life. So why not? It had been a while since they had just- lived. The faint noises or Chet Baker could be heard from the living room as Getou heats up their food. Lots of syrup on Gojo's plate and an orange to peel later for him and he set off for the source of the music.
He walks in on his boyfriend sitting on the couch, slightly swaying to the jazz pouring from their bad record player. Getou sets down the food and sits on the floor in front of Gojo. He meticulously takes the orange and starts to peel it in a long spiral. Getou stops for a second with the feeling of a comb at the crown of his head.
“I see you went with Chet first today, do you feel like dancing?” he doesn't stop his small movements and takes off the excess rinds on the slices.
“Perhaps, but right now I want to braid your hair, you always keep it up even though it's so pretty.” a cold hand strokes through his slightly damp hair.
“Your hands are so cold, didn't we just get out of a bath?” He takes one of the wedges and puts it behind them. An act that Gojo picked up on immediately and took the slice in his mouth.
“Well, they say that the kindest people have the coldest hands. Don't know why mine are so cold though.” A light chuckle escapes Getous throat as he eats an orange slice. The brushing continues as the sharing of the orange continues.
Gojo finishes one loose braid and Getou says that's enough and that they should eat before their food gets cold. A relaxed silence falls on them as they finish their food, Getou with some jam on his crepes and Gojo with an unholy amount of syrup.
“Well, now that the food is done,” Gojo hops out of his seat and towards the record player, flipping it and setting the needle. “Ahem, may I have this dance?” he does a small bow with his hand stretched out for Getou to grab.
“Oh you romantic, of course,” Getou grabs at his hands to pull up to the empty floor.
The two slightly sway for a second before Gojo starts to add in small foot movements. Which escalates into Gojo trying to dip his boyfriend. But him freaking out and being dropped. An ice pack and a couple of apologies later and the two of them are eating again.
“God- you crepes are so good” Gojo sighs as he finishes another plate of a syrup-filled crepe. “Okay, nap time,” he yawns and stretches out a bit on the couch before. “You wanna come to cuddle a bit?” His arms open up towards his smirking friend.
“Of course I do dummy.” He lays down on his chest and inhales to once again smell that bath scent. Or the oranges from earlier. Light fingers stroking his head, starting at the top and slowly drifting down and up into the sky to the tips of his hair. The strokes start to get slower and slower till they stop altogether. And all Getou feels is the cool hands left drifting at the base of his neck. The rising and falling of his chest felt on his face. The beating of his boyfriend's heart and the faint smell of oranges lulling him to sleep.

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