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The cold air suddenly hit the female's warm face, causing the female to open her eyes wide, gasping softly before wrapping her own arms around herself. 'Wh.. what the hell..' the h/c headed female murmured under her breath, quickly standing up.

A white fog formed, as y/n took short deep breaths while looking around her surroundings. She was sure she was in a store earlier.. or maybe she was just hallucinating herself? Whatever. Y/n yawned, grabbing her coat and  had continued to wrap her arms around herself. Her clothing felt rather cold, and were soaked with cold water. Looking around, she noticed pine trees crowding her. Maybe she got drunk and ended up in the middle of a forest? Who knows.

Shrugging it off, y/n could care less, just wanting to pick up her groceries and go home before shutting herself inside yet again away from people.

Y/n began roaming around to find an exit. Her velvet/brown, leather shoes stomped against the pure white snow, making a soft crunch in every step she took. She felt as if she have been walking around, looking for an exit. Maybe she is hallucinating. Again. Y/n let out a sigh of desperate, just when she was about to give up, voices could be heard. "..Oi. Ame, don't forget our deal. You distract the bear, and I'll try to kill it." The voice sounded deep, and soft. "Fine, but if I get bitten by the bear, your paying my health care." The other sounded aggressive, and slightly squeaky. It sounded lime a kid.

Using the last of your stamina, the e/c eyed feminine made her way to the source of the voices, hiding from tree to tree, trying her very best to be quiet. Once she thinks she was close enough, she slowly peeked her head in, and there were two male figures. One were tall, and have a muscular figure. Wearing a white tank top, showing their muscles. They also wore a pair of black ripped jeans and fur boots. They have ginger hair, as for their face.. the Canada flag printed into their face. It was strange. As for the other, they looked as if they have something printed into their face, nothing could really look at on their face as they were covered by the black shades, and their dirty blonde like messy hair. This figure wore a vibrant red hoodie, and black pants with straps and buckles into it and also wore a pair of red converse. Who in the hell wear a hoodie and converse on winter? Apparently this guy does. There, also stood a brown bear. It's fur were dusted with white dust, from snow. It's brown eyes stared at the two males with anger and defence. Sweating a little, you noticed that the ginger headed male held a shotgun. You looked at the scene that was occurring at the moment, blinking and noticing all, both the male figures, and the bear had red, glowing scars. The ginger headed have a scar on their chest. The blonde haired male had smaller cuts on both of their arms. The bear seem like has a bigger scar than the others. The scar was located into their chest.

She continued looking around, soon noticing a small, brown bear hiding from the larger bear. They looked as if they were in despair.

This, is a story about a young adult, who has the ability of seeing strange scars laid out into everyone's bodies.

Sorry for being lazy


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