Head in the Game

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Jason notices Jessica is mentally struggling and forgetting/ignoring rules and chores. One night he decides to confront her about it.

"Come over here" he invites, as he sits on a chair. She walks over to him and sits on his lap. "Tell me what's wrong," he urges.

"All my friends seem to have drama, and they all want me to give them suggestions, and it's stressing me out." He tells her to bend over his lap, and she reluctantly does so. He pulls down her pants to access her bare bottom, and rubs his hand over its entirety. Using his left hand, he holds her head up a bit using a fist full of her hair. "Tell me about their drama," he says.

"Well, I-" She was cut off by a sharp spanking, about medium power.

"How was that?"

"Uh, eh, a little uncomfortable, but it kind of felt nice..." she said, recovering her breath.

"Continue talking" He said, rubbing some more.

"I went to the store to get groceries, and - ah!" she cried, interrupted yet again by another powerful blow to her behind.

"You went to the store, and?" he gently implied, rubbing.

"I was walking in the produce section," she continued hesitantly, "and I ran into Macy, and she told me that she was having trouble with her - ooh...- husband..." she almost smiled at the relief the pain brought her. Each blow seemed to knock a bit of weight off of her. She continued her story, and he continued 'Interrupting' her, over and over again, until her bottom really hurt. He then sat her up, balancing her between his legs so she wasn't sitting on her raw butt, and let her finish talking. "Anyway, she ended up asking how we work so well together."

"What did you tell her?"

"Uh, I told her that you use me for your pleasure often, as I have given myself to you completely."

"How did she respond to that?"
"She was a bit confused, as expected."

"Well, I want you to stay out of contact with your friends for a week. Their drama shouldn't be your drama, and you have stuff to do here. You can have today to say what needs to be said to explain why you won't be around for a week."

"Thank you," she said. She didn't exactly like the idea of being out of contact with them, but she knows it's the best thing for her right now and is glad she has no choice but to do so.


Sneak peak for the next chapter:

Jessica was a little disappointed that he hadn't let her watch her movie, but was excited that Jason had finally decided to fulfill her kidnapped fantasy. She noticed he had learned a few new knots but was sloppy with the tightness as he bound her, and she playfully struggled some to give it that sense of realism. He had even set her in the trunk! She felt the bumps in the road as she awaited what he'll do to her once they arrive at their destination.

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