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"What happened?"

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"What happened?"

Placing a hand on Renjun's wrist hurriedly, Jeno looked up at where Donghyuck and Jaemin were standing over him. "I really don't know," he said, shaking his head. "But maybe..."

"Maybe what?" Donghyuck prompted, sounding nothing short of concerned.

Renjun seemed to be breathing fine, which was the one thing that was keeping Jeno somewhat calm. The movie credits were rolling close to an end by now, and since there was barely anyone in the theatre to begin with, everyone else had emptied out already, leaving the four of them alone.

"Jeno, what happened?" Jaemin asked again, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"He isn't waking up. It's like he's been put into some sort of deep sleep—"

"Maybe the movie was boring and he's just a heavy sleeper," Donghyuck suggested.

Jeno thought that was highly unlikely. With all the complexity of the other situations he had found himself in since the appearance of Renjun in his life, he was sure this one was no less complicated. Something as simple as being a heavy sleeper just wasn't possible.

Of course, neither Jaemin nor Donghyuck knew about any of that chaos. 

Jaemin made his way over to Renjun's other side. "He's still breathing though, right?"

Jeno nodded.

"He should be all right then. Do you know where he lives? Maybe we could bring him back home so he can get some rest."

Jeno hesitated. "I don't know actually." Did Renjun go back to the fairy realm at night? Or did he just roam the city? Jeno had absolutely no idea.

"Let's get out of this theatre first," Donghyuck suggested. "I don't want to be chased out by a cranky employee or something."

"What about Renjun—"

"You can carry him, I'll take his stuff," Jaemin replied.

Jeno watched his friends make their way down the steps of the stairway and then stared at Renjun. Reluctantly, he put an arm around Renjun's waist and one under his legs before scooping him up. Jeno almost fell backwards from using too much force on the ever so light fairy.

Even without his electric touch, seeing Renjun in his arms was enough to get Jeno feeling a sense of electricity. Something felt different with his arm wrapped tightly around Renjun's waist.

He moved Renjun to his back and draped the fairy's arms around his neck.

When he made it to the front lobby of the building, Jaemin and Donghyuck were hunched over a table, examining something with pinched expressions. Jeno looked closer, spotting a cup.

They were examining a cup.

"What are you guys doing?" he asked, causing the two of them to snap their heads upwards.

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