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the cold crisp november weather fills the air

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the cold crisp november weather fills the air. the leaves grey and dull, fall on the ground. dark blue skies with white clouds hover above me. they represented my mood, well at least that's what i thought.

i pull my sweater sleeves over my hands, trying to regain warmth in them. my legs shake, my nose is runny, and i didn't really care to be outside right now.

the sounds of basketballs slamming on the concrete and occasional shouts fill my ears. i only agreed to come outside today because i was curious to see what it looked like, also i've been inside the hospital for twenty four hours now.

high steel fences keep the patients in the area, i assume they're also electric by the buzzing noise radiating off it. outside of the gates are streets with people roaming freely, they also curiously looked at us. a group of girls would walk by, point at us, then laugh at each other. the elderly would look at us in shame.

"they think we're freaks," i hear a voice say behind me. turning around i see jeongguk leaning against a tree, a black hoodie covering most of his face. his arms crossed while he slowly takes steps to approach me. his black converse tapped on the ground with every step he took.

i nodded slightly trying to be nice, not wanting to make a fool out of myself. he stops next to me before eyeing the civilians outside the fence. he chuckles slightly before kicking a pebble on the ground.

"the doctors here, they're not good. whatever help you're trying to find you won't get it here," he says rudely, shoving his hands into his pockets. "you're just waisting your time."

i scoff as i ignore him and turn to look the other way, pretending i didn't hear anything.

"hey!" he shouts, alarming me.

i look over at jeongguk, being this up close to him i notice his eyes were a dark green. he takes down his hood and raven hair falls over his face. it was a bit greasy too, i guess they forgot to clean him while he was in isolation.

"you need to listen to me, i'm trying to help," he says warningly.

"that's what everyone's been saying," i scoff at him as i roll my eyes.

he worriedly looked over at the guards and back at me. jungkooks fingers wrap around my upper arm roughly and drags me behind a set of metal bleachers. i try to pull back, but my skinny frame is nothing compared to his strong one. being this close to him i realize i'm a couple inches taller than he is.

jeongguk shushes me before we are out of sight. he lets me go and takes a deep breath, quickly running a hand through his hair.

"what are yo-"

"this place is not what it seems, believe me," he says, my eyes go wide as i grow more confused.

"then what is it?" i quietly ask.

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