Chapter 1

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Max stared up at the large, intimidating buildings in front of her. Site Thirteen; This was where she spent mostly all of her time. In fact, she just might've lingered around the area more than she had at her own home.

Max Shore was one of the top agents in the Internal Security Department at the SCP Foundation, Site Thirteen, and she was more than dedicated to her..."profession".

She'd received permission to construct a cabin near Site Thirteen, and she barely spoke to her family, with holidays as an exception. Max would sometimes drive to the nearest town to buy essentials, like groceries and clothing.

And Max's abode barely passed for a home. She decorated it fine, as any other person would. Though most of it is just to cover the many weapons she held there.

Yes, Max was far from the average person.

Max continued walking into the site, towards a tall, enforced gate. She turned to the small box of an office, glaring at whoever was sitting inside, making sure they noticed her.

And, soon enough, the large gates opened up, sliding away. Max stepped forward, into the site. Hidden cameras lined the walls; Max didn't exactly enjoy them, as she didn't appreciate her every move being watched, but they were needed for security, and she herself had made sure there were almost no possible dead spots.

Max reached yet another gate, though, this time, she was able to use her security card to get through it. Just like the one before, it slid open and Max continued into the site.

Site Thirteen was very large, and someone who didn't know the layout could easily get lost. From the entrance Max took, a large corridor without walls or a roof, instead covered by metal and mesh, would be waiting. Max didn't like this; she personally thought it was too open to both the cold and anyone daring to spy on the foundation. Halfway through said corridor, it branched off to both the left and right.

To the left, a large grey structure with an enforced gate labeled Shelter.

To the right, an open room without a gate or label. There was nothing but janitorial supplies and stacked barrels with unknown contents inside.

If you were to continue forward, which is where Max was heading, you would reach another gate that seemed almost completely identical to the gate to the left. There was no label outside, but once inside the gate you would find a label over the exit which read: Gate A. There was an empty room slightly shaped like a hexagon. Walking forward, there was yet another gate that was usually kept open. This lead to a empty square-shaped room and a much smaller door.

Walking through the door, a room that wasn't as empty as the last two. Directly in front of the last door a small television hung from the wall, which was supposed to turn on only when a breach occurred, specifying the level of threat and which SCPs had breached containment. To the left and right side of the wall the television hung on, two doors stood. To be opened you  needed a security card.

Max help up her level 4 card, inserting it in the scanner. She heard a small beep, and both of the doors in front of her opened. She stepped through, into an office. An oddly normal office for an un-normal place. The desks were placed in such a way so that a path would be formed straight through the workspace, leading to another lone door, without a label. Through this door you would find a hallway with doors spread out far from each other, with small boards over each door, labeling the rooms.

DEA, EC, Finally, Max stepped up to the room labeled: ISD. Internal Security Department. The door was slightly more protected than the rest, standing closely in between two other rooms to make it seem less important.

As Max was about to reach for her security card, she froze, turning around.

Max had reluctantly accepted to go on break, so she hadn't been to Site-13 for almost three days (which was quite a while, in her opinion).

Deciding she had no important business in her office, she chose to take a walk to the Class-D cells.

Unlike the Class-D holding cells at other sites, the ones at Site-13 were chaos.

"Hey!" Max glanced behind her, but continued walking, in an attempt to spot whomever had called. When she realized barely nobody else was in the hallway, the stopped and completely turned around.

A woman with blonde hair, smiling widely and dressed professionally in a suit, just like Max, was rushing towards her.

As she neared Max, she frowned, her eyes slightly thinning. She held out her hand, though Max didn't accept, and instead tilted her head. "Yes?"

The woman lowered her arm. "I'm Rosaline Frost. I'm from another site, and can't reveal my position to you, but I'm looking for..." Rosaline reached into her suit pocket, pulling out a small piece of paper. "...Collin  Volt."

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