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Prolouge: Beginnings

A messenger had been waiting outside the door for a minute now, knocking on and waiting for a response.

"Message from the Queen!" The dragon called out, Wolf wincing from inside the house wondering if that was true or not. He pondered on whether or not to answer. But if it was actually the queen... what was so urgent that they sent a message all the way out here? And if it wasn't, what was the dragon planning to do once the door was opened?

Well, I can fend for my self if something does go wrong. He said, trying to shake off his lines of thought as if it were irrational. He walked up to the door, and opening it, peeking his head outside.

There was a SandWing waiting outside the door, and indeed he looked very serious and professional. What could Queen Thorn want? Wolf thought curiously, knowing he was just another dragon in her vast kingdom.

"Queen Thorn wants your prescene at the palace immeadiately for an important and confidential meeting!" The dragon started as he spotted Wolf, "Arrive as soon as possible!" She shouted before she beat her wings powerfully to lift off the ground and start to fly away, as quickly as she came.

Well... Wolf started. That was... interesting. And I still don't know why she wants to see me, though. He racked his brain for something he must've done wrong or at least something that caught her attention. Maybe it's... No, best not to think about it. I just better go and see. He shifted awkwardly before lifting and soaring off as well.

He looked back at the small town at a distance where he could see the whole area. Many shops and figures were still recognizable with the distance, but the fine details were gone. He could see is hut-like home, where he had been living alone in since he was around a three-year-old dragonet. Over there, the store in which he met one of his long time friends while looking to buy some pens and paper. And on his left, a slope down that lead to a boardwalk to the right that ended up some ways into the ocean. He smiled slightly, his thoughts on all the time he spent here and all the memories he made. But he turned and looked ahead, towards the palace in the far distance. He, however, could feel about how he was going to make a lot more precious memories in whatever laid next for him.

~~||   🐲   ||~~

Wolf landed with a small thump on the sand, in front of the palace, looking ahead thoughtfully- until the moment was ruined and he looked down at one of his talons. Yes, he had landed on the sand pretty harshly, and now there were lots of grains of sand on his talons. He knew he lived in the Sand Kingdom, but he had to admit, he disliked it when he got sand all over his talons, and right now was no exception. He groaned. He had boots, he should've worn them, not even caring that it made his mostly quiet and light footsteps into a semi-loud weird clanking-like noise, especially on specific types of flooring. He shook his head- this sort of stuff didn't really matter and he wondered why he bothered about it as he walked towards the guards.

"Uh," Wolf started, "Queen Thorn sent me a message. I'm here to see her." There was a slight pause before one of the guards looked at the other and then spoke.

"Alright. Let me check with the queen. Wait here," he said as he turned around and opened the door behind him, going inside and shutting the door, the other guard looking more alert now.

So... the War of the SandWing Succession has really changed a lot. Even though I'm pretty much an IceWing, I live in the SandWing Kingdom, so I've got a new queen now: Thorn. I gotta say, I agree with most dragons- I'm glad I got her as a queen now. The war's over, she takes good care of her subjects and kingdom, as well as the fact that Blister, Blaze, or Burn won't be ruling us. Wolf frowned a little at the thought of the three sisters. How can dragons like that be handed a dangerous role and title as the queen? If it weren't for the Eye of Onyx, or the dragonets of destiny, Pyrrhia could've ended up in chaos. As he was about to continue that line of thought, the other guard had finally come back and nodded in approval.

"Alright, you may go in. The queen in straight ahead and up the stairs." He said, as the two stepped to the side and opened the door to let Wolf pass.

Wolf thanked them, and followed their directions, walking straight ahead for about a minute before finally reaching a staircase. It surprisingly wasn't an endless staircase like every royal castle seemed to have, so he quickly went up it and continued ahead until he reached the end of the hallway. In front of him lay the throne room, or at least he assumed it was one of them in the big palace. And of course, Thorn was there, waiting for him.

"Hello, your majesty," Wolf began before Thorn stopped him.

"Please, no formal introductions," she said with an odd face while putting a talon up in a 'stop' gesture. "Just Thorn please, and if you really must, just Queen Thorn."

"Oh- ok," he stopped for a second before continuing. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Well, let me tell you this straightforwardly: You're going to be one of the dragons sent to learn at Jade Mountain this year."

This took Wolf by surprise. H-Huh? What's this all about? He recomposed himself and asked what had happened to make her take this decision.

"I have been requested to do so. It was one that I thought was necessary to grant." Thorn said, pensively, and it was enough to give Wolf a gist of what this was all about but not enough to say for sure why.

"So, when do I go there?"

"They should start in about 4 days, I believe." She stopped for a moment, looking at papers on top of a table next to her, which seemed like she had been working on recently. "Yes, 4 days. So please prepare yourself before then."

"Thank you."

~~||   🐲   ||~~

"It's going to be the start of our second year running this school," Sunny looked into the distance from the peak of Jade Mountain. The view was great- a golden-pinkish haze colored the sky at the horizon as the sun set, and there was good visibility- you could easily see the SandWing palace far away in the distance.

"Time just seems to never give us a break, doesn't it?" Glory said next to her, snapping the SandWing back into reality.

"Yes... and I'm not sure if that's a joke about Darkstalker, but I have to agree with you." They both frowned slightly at the word of Darkstalker, remembering how he caused some degree of chaos at the school and then a higher degree of it as he left and roamed Pyrrhia with a whole mini-tribe of NightWings.

"Well, anyways," Glory cleared her throat, "Thorn sent me a message." Sunny perked up at the sound of her mother's name. "She sent me a 'Hi' for you as well as this: 'There's a new student I sent named Wolf- be aware of him, as I was requested for his presence at Jade Mountain from important dragons.'"

There was a pause as the two frowned.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Sunny broke the silence, pondering about it.

"I'm not 100 percent sure. Let's just try our best to make this year a bit more orderly, and not all chaos like it always seems to be."

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