The First Night

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17 days later.

After the meeting, y/n and Tae exchanged mobile numbers. They texted each other a few times but every time it was short conversation about wedding preparations.

At the wedding venue, the ceremony was carried out with family members and a few important guests.

Y/n met Tae's siblings too. Kim jeong gyu was a high school student while kim Eun Jin was still in middle school. They both had a pretty positive impression of their sister-in-law.

They reached y/n's small apartment which she bought to live alone. It would be their home sweet home from now because both of them didn't want to buy a new villa.

Later that night.
In their new home.
Y/n and Tae were really tired when they reached home.

Y/n : Do you want a separate room or are you fine living in my room?

Tae: I...

Tae' mind-- what can I say? I'm a little afraid of her but she's my legal wife... What should I say...

Y/n : can you think faster? (Calmly)

Tae: I... I'll take the guest room.

Y/n:  *sigh* okay. I understand. Follow me.

She led him to the second bedroom.

Y/n: you can have a shower

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Y/n: you can have a shower. I'll send your luggage within 10 minutes. If you're hungry, help yourself. You know the way to the kitchen. (Cold)

Tae : o-okay.

Y/n: and I won't eat you! So don't be scared. It's your home too now.

Saying that she left.

Tae's POV--
well. She's quite scary. But why?... Why? Why? Why? ....Why did I choose a separate room? She's my wife now! We should sleep together! How on earth! Aish, I guess this is fine for now. Let's just start from knowing each other.

Meanwhile, y/n's POV--
I'm so stupid!🙄... Why did I even ask when I knew he'd choose a Separate room. He doesn't even like me, why did I ruin his life. No... No... Y/N...think positive! He's now my family... I'll give him every best thing in the world... He's now finally mine. I'll cherish him well...

Author's POV--

After changing into their pajamas, they both tried to sleep in their respective rooms but despite the time being past midnight, sleep was nowhere to be found. Tired of trying, y/n got up from bed and started working on some files at her study table.

Tae's POV--
Oh god! I can't sleep. This is not my room and I can't sleep alone in this unfamiliar place. Should I go to y/n's room?? Maybe I should. She must be asleep by now. I'll just go and lie down next to her. She's my wife after all, so it's normal. Yes!

Author's POV--

Tae got up and tiptoed to y/n's room. He stopped outside the room, Reconsidering his decision. The light was off. He was about to back away when a voice stopped him.

Y/n: come in! I already saw you.

Tae walked in and saw y/n working on the study table with a lamp.

Y/n: do you need something?

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Y/n: do you need something?

Tae: I... I can't sleep alone because it's a new place...

He looked down.

Y/n: okay. How can I help you?

Tae: c-can I sleep with you? I'll be relieved to know someone's next to me...

Y/n:I'm working but it's...

Tae: oh I'm sorry! your work must be important. Continue with it. I'll just lie  down here. It's fine for me. But don't work too late. Thanks.

With that he closed the door and lied down on the bed. He watched y/n reading some papers until his eyes closed themselves and sleep crept in.

After one hour, y/n packed away the papers and went to bed. She smiled beautifully seeing a little bear sleeping cutely while hugging a pillow. She tucked him in properly and lied down at some distance . She admired his sweet snores for some time before falling into slumber...

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